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1. Anti-China Clamour Cannot Intimidate Chinese People
After the Chinese govern-Ament's decisive victory in quelling the counterrevolutionary rebellion in Beijing, social life in the capital has basically returned to normal and the national situation has
Author: 'People's Daily' Commentator Year 1989 Issue 29 PDF HTML
2. China's Internal Affairs Brook No Interference
Thanks to a series of resolute measures taken by the Chinese government since it won a decisive victory over the counter-revolutionary rebellion in Beijing, the situation in the capital and the rest
Author: "People's Daily" Commentator Year 1989 Issue 31 PDF HTML
3. 'Dual Recognition' Will Get Nowhere
Grenada on July 19 announced the establishment of so-called "diplomatic relations" with China's Taiwan in violation of the basis and principles set down in the communique on the establishment of
Author: People's Daily Commentator Year 1989 Issue 33 PDF HTML
4. International Cooperation Strengthened And Human Development Promoted
The United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, which commanded the attention of the world, closed in Vienna on June 25.During the two-week long meeting representatives from more than 160
Author: People's Daily Commentator Year 1993 Issue 28 PDF HTML
5. Japan's Reactionary Views on History Must Be Challenged
It surprised no one that the annually-staged political farce was put on again this year.On August 15, the anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War II, several cabinet ministers and scores of Diet
Author: People's Daily Commentator Year 1996 Issue 37 PDF HTML
6. Japan: Don't Do Anything Foolish
In the last few weeks Japan has carried out a series of provocative actions over the Diaoyu Islands, Chinese territory, situated between Taiwan and southern Japan.On July 14, the right-wing Japanese
Author: People's Daily Commentator Year 1996 Issue 39 PDF HTML
7. Building an 'Eco-West'
The development of the western region is a significant strategic decision concerning the country's modernization drive and the survival and development of the Chinese nation in the long term. Just as
Author: RENMIN RIBAO (People's Daily) Year 2000 Issue 18 PDF HTML
8. Promoting the Great Cause Of National Reunification
Various prominent dignitaries recently addressed the Taiwan question and national reunification. Excerpts of their comments follow.Qian Weichang, vice-chairman of CPPCC and executive chairman of
Author: RENMIN RIBAO (People's Daily Overseas Edition) Year 1996 Issue 12 PDF HTML
9. Smash New U.S. Plot for Aggression Against Cuba
The following article appeared in "Renmin Ribao" on November 13.-Ed.OF late there are growing indications that U.S. imperialism is stepping up its preparations for a new armed attack on Cuba.The
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1961 Issue 46 PDF HTML
10. Two Conferences, One Truth
Following is a slightly abridged translation of a "Renmin Ribao" commentary published on February 3. Subheads are ours. - Ed.THE Latin American peoples and U.S. imperialism are locked in a sharp,
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1962 Issue 6 PDF HTML