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1. Half-day Agricultural Middle Schools
XINHUA RIBAO, daily organ of the Kiangsu Province Communist Party Committee, devoted nearly half of its March 20 issue to the first anniversary of a new form of rural education in the province - the
Author: C. K. CHENG Year 1959 Issue 13 PDF HTML
2. Soochow Embroidery
Of all the great embroidery centres of China, Soochow is commonly conceded the palm. Recent activities there show that it has no intention of resting on its laurels. It has taken steps to call back
Author: K. S. Year 1961 Issue 38 PDF HTML
3. Nineteen Poems
By Mao Tse-tungForeign Languages Press. 60 pp.The English translation of nineteen poems by Mao Tse-tung will be available in a separate volume by the end of this month. Few of these poems were
Author: C. Y. Year 1958 Issue 29 PDF HTML
4. A New Type of Film
The films produced in 1958 which are now coming to the screens have brought a new trend in film subject-matter and a new type of film.This is the year of the great leap forward and in the course of it
Author: C. S. Year 1958 Issue 38 PDF HTML
5. Joint Statement of the Communist Parties of Japan and Indonesia
On September 7, a joint statement was signed in Djakarta, Indonesia, by General Secretary of the Japanese Communist Party K. Miyamoto and Chairman of the Indonesian Communist Party D.N. Aidit. It was
Author: K. Miyamoto, D.N. Aidit Year 1964 Issue 38 PDF HTML
6. A New Chapter in India-China Relations
Author: By Ashok K. Kantha Year 2015 Issue 22 PDF HTML
7. A Reminder of Our Roots
Author: By Sushil K. Lamsal Year 2021 Issue 6 PDF HTML
8. Peaceful Co-existence in Action
RECENT developments in Sino-Cambodian relations mark a further advance in peaceful co-existence among the Asian countries despite imperialist attempts to sow division. Prince Norodom Sihanouk,
Author: T. R. C. Year 1958 Issue 27 PDF HTML
9. The "Corsair"
In 1954 when the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre presented Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake in Peking, the first full-length ballet ever performed by a first-rate company in
Author: C. I. F. Year 1959 Issue 23 PDF HTML
10. In the Kwangsi Autonomous Region
The editor of "Peking Review" recently visited the Kwangsi Autonomous Region for the Chuang People. This is the first instalment of his impressions. The second, "Among the Yao People in Kwangsi,"
Author: C. F. YANG Year 1959 Issue 31 PDF HTML