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1. The Growth of China's Mining Industry
China's mining industry has made much headway, but problems still exist, such as outdated technology and equipment, the waste of resources and poor economic results.China is a large-scale exploiter
Author: Cheng Hai Year 1988 Issue 23 PDF HTML
2. China's Nonmetallic Industries
In recent years, China has been working hard to develop the nonmetallic mineral industry with its abundant resources. It is estimated that nonmetallic industries will see rapid development in the
Author: Cheng Hai Year 1988 Issue 23 PDF HTML
3. The East Wind Prevails Over the West Wind
In numbers, in morale and the material resources that count, the forces of peace surpass those of war. The U.S. policy of trying to dictate to the world from "positions of strength" was never more
Author: by LIN HAI Year 1958 Issue 3 PDF HTML
4. New Life in a Hill Region
CHANGSHI People's Commune is situated in the hilly region in the northwest of Kweichow Province. Today, with its mountains green with pine and tea gardens, its valleys interlaced by canals, its
Author: JEN HAI Year 1960 Issue 43 PDF HTML
5. The Entire Korean People's Common Aspiration
PRESIDENT Kim II Sung, the great leader of the Korean people, has pointed out: "New bright prospects have been opened up before our people in their struggle for the independent and peaceful
Author: Chang Hai Year 1973 Issue 14 PDF HTML
6. South Korea Under Tyranny
SAGGING national industries, a bankrupt countryside, monetary inflation and soaring prices - this is south Korea today under the tyranny of the Pak Jung Hi clique. By tightening their fascist grip,
Author: Chang Hai Year 1973 Issue 30 PDF HTML
7. Applying Materialist Dialectics To Navigation
OUR Taching No. 16, a 20,000-ton tanker, has done over 330,000 nautical miles on 270 trips without a hitch since its maiden voyage in April 1965. Our annual transport quota set by the state has been
Author: Hai Hui Year 1973 Issue 44 PDF HTML
8. Be Fighters in Criticizing the Bourgeoisie
IT is now ten years since our great leader Chairman Mao issued his May 7 Directive. These are ten years in which the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has won great victories, the socialist
Author: Fang Hai Year 1976 Issue 20 PDF HTML
9. Communists Must Work for the Interests Of the ast Majority of People
WORKING for the interests of the vast majority of people of China and of the world is the objective of the Chinese Communist Party; it is also a guide to action to be followed by every Communist who
Author: Yueh Hai Year 1976 Issue 26 PDF HTML
10. The Way Forward for Macao
In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Portugal on the Question of Macao, the Chinese government will
Author: Wang Hai Year 1988 Issue 5 PDF HTML