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1. Reform Redresses Distorted Price System
An irrational price system can distort the value of goods just as a warped mirror can a person's image, said the late economist Sun Yefang.China's commodity prices, which were frozen for many years,
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1986 Issue 11 PDF HTML
2. A Bright Outlook for Seventh Five-Year Plan
Participants at the forthcoming Fourth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress will discuss the Seventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (1986-90). It is expected
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1986 Issue 12 PDF HTML
3. Associations Ride Wave of Future
An important part of the reform of China's economic structure this year is to develop economic associations among enterprises so as to make effective use of natural resources, funds, technology,
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1986 Issue 27 PDF HTML
4. Why the Political System Needs Further Reform
How to create a socialist political system that is efficient, democratic and supported by a proper legal system has been the topic of speeches by Chinese leaders and of press comment recently. This
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1986 Issue 33 PDF HTML
5. Profit & Morality
China is working hard to develop a socialist commodity economy, in a bid to break the shackles of small-scale production and the autarkic natural economy which held back the development of
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1986 Issue 48 PDF HTML
6. Peace, Development, Hope
In peace and fruitful work, China has seen 1986 pass by-the International Year of Peace and the first year of its Seventh Five-Year Plan.As the song "let the world be filled with love" resounded
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1987 Issue 1 PDF HTML
7. Basic Principles & General Policies
Eight years have elapsed since late 1978 when China began the drive for socialist modernization. During this time, many positive changes have taken place, however, there are different views on the
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1987 Issue 25 PDF HTML
8. The Coast to Intensify Its Export Orientation
Recently, Zhao Ziyang, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, proposed an economic development strategy for China's coastal areas: Orienting their economy to the world market-making more
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1988 Issue 0708 PDF HTML
9. China Turns to Market Economy
The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which concluded its session last month, declared that reform of China's economic structure is aimed at establishing a socialist
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1992 Issue 45 PDF HTML
10. China Prepares to Re-enter GATT
Signs indicate that the day is not far off when China's status as a contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) will be restored. The country is now stepping up its
Author: Geng Yuxin Year 1992 Issue 48 PDF HTML