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1. The Two-Line Struggle in the Economic Field During the Transition Period
The years between the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the basic completion of the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production in 1956 was a period of
Author: Hsueh Mu-chiao Year 1977 Issue 49 PDF HTML
2. The Two-Road Struggle in the Economic Field During the Transition Period
The years between the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the basic completion of the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production in 1956 was a period of
Author: Hsueh Mu-chiao Year 1977 Issue 50 PDF HTML
3. The Two-Road Struggle in the Economic Field During the Transition Period
This is the third instalment of an article by the noted economist Hsueh Mu-chiao. The first two instalments appeared in issues Nos. 49 and 50. - Ed.THE three years from the founding of the People's
Author: Hsueh Mu-chiao Year 1977 Issue 51 PDF HTML
4. The Two-Road Struggle in the Economic Field During the Transition Period
This is the last instalment of an article by the noted economist Hsueh Mu-chiao. The first three instalments appeared in issues Nos. 49, 50 and 51 respectively. - Ed.IN 1953 and 1954, with the rapid
Author: Hsueh Mu-chiao Year 1977 Issue 52 PDF HTML
5. How Far Is the Far East?
BIGWIGS in Tokyo and Washington have recently been involved in an agonizing attempt to define, or rather, not to define, what is the "Far East." It all arose out of the signing of the new Japan-U.S.
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1960 Issue 9 PDF HTML
6. 13 Rules for Women
Next time you go to Washington, if you're a lady, you can't do better than memorize the 13 suggestions which its police have made for the safety of the female population. Besides giving general advice
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1960 Issue 10 PDF HTML
7. The South American Way
On the eve of his departure last month on a much-publicized tour of South America, President Eisenhower on television praised the U.S.A.'s "good neighbour policy" towards Latin America. Denying that
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1960 Issue 11 PDF HTML
8. Analysing "Uncle Sam"
UNCLE Sam lies on the analyst's couch. Chills run up and down his spine. Slightly incoherently he murmurs: "The missile gap!" and starts convulsively when someone asks: "Moonstruck?"Around him are
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1960 Issue 13 PDF HTML
9. . . . And Soon There'll Be Three
NOBUSUKE Kishi seems bent on doing a Rhee or Menderes. To get to the head of the queue when a Chiang Kai-shek and a Ngo Dinh Diem are still operating is quite an achievement. He has done it by a
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1960 Issue 22 PDF HTML
10. The Eisenhower Way
U.S. fighter planes were zooming across the skies of Laos, firing their rockets. The Seventh Fleet, decks cleared for action, prowled the South China Sea. The sabre-rattling U.S. press howled for a
Author: PIEN HSUEH Year 1961 Issue 5 PDF HTML