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1. Consciously Resisting Bourgeois Corruption
CHAIRMAN Mao recently said: "Why did Lenin speak of exercising dictatorship over the bourgeoisie? It is essential to get this question clear. Lack of clarity on this question will lead to
Author: Hung Hsueh-fei Year 1975 Issue 25 PDF HTML
2. The Palace of Eternal Youth
One of China's most popular classical operas. Its theme is the tragic romance of the Emperor Ming Huang and his favourite, the Lady Yang Kuei-fei. A colourful and stirring picture of life in the
Author: Hung Sheng Year 1958 Issue 8 PDF HTML
3. China's Expanding Water Transport
THE steamers and junks of China's rivers and coastal waters moved about one-quarter of the country's freight (in terms of gross tonnage) in 1958. The volume of water transport increased by 37 per
Author: HUNG CHUANG Year 1959 Issue 22 PDF HTML
4. The Technical Transformation Of Agriculture
AS an integral part of her programme to turn herself into a great socialist country with a highly developed modern industry, agriculture, science and culture, China is working at a fast clip to bring
Author: CHEN HUNG Year 1960 Issue 9 PDF HTML
5. SEATO - Instrument of U.S. Aggression
THE aggressive moves of U.S. imperialism in Southeast Asia in 1961 once again make it clear that SEATO is an instrument of its aggression.Intervention in Laos and South Viet NamThis is particularly
Author: HUNG LAN Year 1962 Issue 9 PDF HTML
6. Turning Waterlogged Land Into Paddies
IN seven years the Linyi Special Administrative Region of Shantung Province, east China, has turned almost 1 million mu of former waterlogged or low-lying land into paddies. This is a particularly
Author: HUNG YEN Year 1965 Issue 22 PDF HTML
7. The Traitor's Philosophy of China's Khrushchov
IN sharp and intense class struggles, real Marxist-Leninists and proletarian revolutionary fighters must show their proletarian revolutionary integrity. In all circumstances, they must draw a
Author: HUNG PIN Year 1967 Issue 17 PDF HTML
8. The "British Empire" on its Last Legs
AN excellent situation prevails in the world today as the peoples win victory after victory in their revolutionary struggle. The days of imperialism headed by the United States are becoming harder
Author: YUNG HUNG Year 1968 Issue 28 PDF HTML
9. New Tsars' Fallacies to Justify Aggression Must Be Laid to Rest
THE loyal inheritor of the mantle of tsarist Russian imperialism, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique is feverishly pursuing a policy of aggression and expansion abroad. So that it could invade
Author: Shih Hung Year 1969 Issue 26 PDF HTML
10. From Bernstein to Liu Shao-chi
THE "theory of productive forces" is an international revisionist trend of thought. According to this "theory," socialist revolution is absolutely impossible in a country where capitalism is not
Author: Kao Hung Year 1969 Issue 38 PDF HTML