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1. Bush's Middle East Policy Bogged Down
Since George W. Bush assumed presidency, U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East has featured mainly repression of radical anti-U.S. forces in the region. Bush's tough Middle East policy can be
Author: Li Guofu Year 2002 Issue 17 PDF HTML
2. Is There a Way Out for Palestinian-Israeli Conflicts?
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was elected on the basis of his promise to end Israeli-Palestinian conflicts as soon as possible and restore safety to Israel. After assuming office, Sharon
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2002 Issue 18 PDF HTML
3. Special Role of the EU in Mediating The Palestine-Israel Conflict
Europe and the Middle East have a historically long relationship. Long-term colonial rule by European countries left innumerable links between the two regions, and although this rule is long gone,
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2002 Issue 19 PDF HTML
In April, Chinese President Jiang Zemin paid formal state visits to Libya, Tunisia and Iran at the invitation of leaders of the three countries. This significant diplomatic activity occurred against
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2002 Issue 20 PDF HTML
5. Crisis in Iraq Leaves Little Hope for Palestinians
Palestian has a lot to lose in the U.S. war on Iraq as regional tensions rise and Israel tightens its gripThe U.S. war aimed at toppling Saddam Hussein's regime will exert a significant influence on
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 13 PDF HTML
6. Can the Newly Appointed Palestinian Prime Minister End the Conflict?
The urgent and arduous task for new Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen is to resume peace talks with IsraelPalestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat nominated Secretary General of the
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 15 PDF HTML
7. Syria: The Next Target of The United States?
Weapons of mass destruction, sponsor of terroris-sound familiar? Syria is likely to become the next country to fall under the U.S. war on terror, not militarily, but rather politically,
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 18 PDF HTML
8. The Road Map's Uncertain Future
Israel has accepted part of the U.S.-backed "road map," but as there are still points that look unlikely to be comprimised on, the Middle East might miss another opportunity for peaceOn April 30, the
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 21 PDF HTML
9. Peace At Stake
Israel's decision to expel Arafat is threatening the latest Middle East peace planA suicide bombing by a member of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in mid-August started a new
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 40 PDF HTML
10. Peace Initiative, Breath of Fresh Air
After anotheilperiod of bloodshed, will the non-binding agreement lay the foundation for lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians?In an attempt to end the most recent round of bloodshed, a
Author: LI GUOFU Year 2003 Issue 51 PDF HTML