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1. The Face Of War In Iraq
Psychological warfare has already unfolded and intensive U.S. air strikes, special operation forces and ground troops are expected to followWhile pushing the UN Security Council to pass a new
Author: LIU LIN Year 2003 Issue 11 PDF HTML
THE question at issue at the enlarged Geneva Conference is the terms of reference of the International Control Commission (I.C.C.). The lines of struggle are sharply drawn. Should the Laotian
Author: LIU KE-LIN Year 1961 Issue 35 PDF HTML
3. Korean Chic
South Korean soap operas get Chinese fans in a spinLi Chanjuan, a college student from Chongqing, is so crazy about Korean soap operas that she watches them day and night. In fact, she hardly has
Author: LIN LIN Year 2007 Issue 34 PDF HTML
4. The East Wind Prevails Over the West Wind
In numbers, in morale and the material resources that count, the forces of peace surpass those of war. The U.S. policy of trying to dictate to the world from "positions of strength" was never more
Author: by LIN HAI Year 1958 Issue 3 PDF HTML
Following is the abridged version of an article by Lin Tieh, First Secretary of the Hopei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was published in "Renmin Ribao" on May 13, 1958
Author: LIN TIEH Year 1958 Issue 12 PDF HTML
6. China's Monetary System
CHINA today has an independent, unified and stable socialist monetary system geared to serve the interests of the people and the needs of socialist construction. It is devised to oil the wheels of
Author: TSENG LIN Year 1958 Issue 13 PDF HTML
7. Electrification Spurts Ahead
CHINA is well set on the road to electrification. During the past five years her power output increased at the average rate of 21.6 per cent a year. By 1957 it reached 19,300 million kwh. This was
Author: LIN TIEN Year 1958 Issue 30 PDF HTML
8. A Journal of Design
China, which for millennia has taken a pride in the skill and fertile imagination of its handicraftsmen and designers, now for the first time has a periodical - Decoration - devoted exclusively to
Author: LIN TZU Year 1959 Issue 14 PDF HTML
9. Cotton Bow to Cotton Mill
THERE is an old-fashioned, two-storey house down a lane in Changsha's East District with a newish signboard over the gate: "East Wind Cotton Mill." Women are working at wooden spinning wheels in its
Author: LIN NIEN Year 1959 Issue 24 PDF HTML
10. March Ahead Under the Red Flag of the General Line and Mao Tse-tung's Military Thinking
The following article by Lin Piao, Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Vice-Premier and Minister of National Defence, is translated from "Hongqi" (Red Flag),
Author: LIN PIAO Year 1959 Issue 40 PDF HTML