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1. In Search of Stability
Iraq's interim government will have a mound of challenges to faceA crucial political transition in Iraq will begin at the end of the occupation on June 30 and last until the general elections set for
Author: WANG ZESHENG Year 2004 Issue 25 PDF HTML
2. Hope for Iraq
Many hands now helping to bring about democracyIn November, the independent Iraqi Higher Commission of Elections declared that the first post-Saddam Hussein general elections would be held on January
Author: WANG ZESHENG Year 2004 Issue 50 PDF HTML
3. Impressions at the No. 1 Steel Plant
I AM no infrequent visitor to steel works but I am always gripped by the drama and excitement of the issue of white hot steel from a furnace. It was so again on a recent visit to the open-hearth shop
Author: WANG AN Year 1961 Issue 40 PDF HTML
4. New Orchestral Sounds
China is hearing the sounds of a new Kweichow Province orchestra based on the lusheng, the Miao people's national musical instrument, and it increasingly likes what it hears.Ten years ago the
Author: WANG AN Year 1962 Issue 50 PDF HTML
5. Relics Unearthed in Xian
Four bones from the fingers of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism, and many related precious Tang Dynasty (618-907) artifacts were unearthed from the crypt of Famen Temple, Xian, by the end of last May.
Author: Wang Zhaolin and Wang Huangyan Year 1987 Issue 35 PDF HTML
6. 11TH PANCHEN LAMA: One Year of Buddhist Life
Gyaincain Norbu, a six-year-old boy from Jiali County, Tibet, was formally determined as the reincarnated soul boy of the late 10th Panchen Erdeni in the jokhang Monastery, Lhasa, on November 29, 1995
Author: Wang Guozhen & Wang Yanjuan Year 1997 Issue 5 PDF HTML
7. Regional Autonomy for National Minorities
CHINA is a multi-national state. Over fifty nationalities inhabit the country. The Han people constitute 94 per cent of the population. The peoples of the various national minorities, numbering over
Author: WANG KE Year 1958 Issue 10 PDF HTML
8. Asian-African Film Festival
China is one of the twenty or so countries showing films at the Asian-African Film Festival now being held in Tashkent in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. Several other countries not yet
Author: WANG LEH Year 1958 Issue 26 PDF HTML
9. The Communist Working Spirit
"MANY THINGS," Comrade Mao Tse-tung said, "appear quite strange: there is either nothing, or very little, or else there is plenty. In the last nine years, China's grain production increased very
Author: WANG LI Year 1958 Issue 38 PDF HTML
10. Cultural Growth of Minority Peoples
New written languages, commune clubs, and modern folk arts are helping China's national minorities in the southwest rapidly wipe out the cultural backlog of centuries and make the leap to a socialist
Author: WANG LEH Year 1959 Issue 3 PDF HTML