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Your search : [ author:YEH CHI-CHUANG,KEITA N'FAMARA] Total 12 Search Results,Processed in 0.101 second(s)
1. Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic Of China and the Government of the Republic of Guinea On Economic and Technical Co-operation
THE Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Guinea, for the purpose of promoting the friendly relations and of developing the economic and technical
2. Cuba's Economic Progress
WITH its land reform practically completed, the Cuban Revolutionary Government last October promulgated new laws nationalizing large private enterprises and introducing urban reforms. All U.S.
Author: CHANG YEH Year 1961 Issue 39 PDF HTML
3. Wang Chin-hsi - Outstanding RepresentativeOf the Chinese Working Class
"In industry, learn from Taching." The TachingOilfield has been commended by Chairman Maoas a red banner on China's industrial front. Fromexploration to development, Taching has consistentlyfollowed
Author: Kung Yeh Year 1971 Issue 47 PDF HTML
4. China's Foreign Trade in 1958
1958 is the Second Five-Year Plan for the development of China's national economy - the year which has witnessed the all-round leap forward in China's socialist construction. The swift expansion of
Author: YEH CHI-CHUANG Year 1958 Issue 32 PDF HTML
5. Great and Decisive Strategic Battles
This article by Marshal Yeh Chien-ying, Vice-Chairman of the National Defence Council, was carried in "Hongqi" in the early part of this year. We present this translation to our readers on the
Author: YEH CHIEN-YING Year 1961 Issue 31 PDF HTML
6. Great and Decisive Strategic Battles
Following is the second and concluding instalment of an article by Marshal Yeh Chien-ying. The first instalment appeared in our last issue. - Ed.Comprehensive Application of Ten Major Operational
Author: YEH CHIEN - YING Year 1961 Issue 32 PDF HTML
7. Big Choice for Music Lovers
CHINA enjoys a peculiar advantage in developing its own modern music. Its musicians can draw on a musical heritage which, ranging from the deepest antiquity to today, is a living art of quite
Author: LI YEH-TAO Year 1962 Issue 26 PDF HTML
THIS is an eventful year for the Western world. France's de Gaulle said "No" to Britain's entry into the Common Market and the Brussels talks broke down. He also rejected Washington's Polaris offer
Author: YEH CHIH-YUNG Year 1963 Issue 8 PDF HTML
9. Report on the Revision of the Party Constitution
Comrades,As entrusted by the Central Committee of the Party, I will now make the report on the revision of the Party Constitution.The 11th National Congress of the Party presided over by our wise
Author: Yeh Chien-ying Year 1977 Issue 36 PDF HTML
10. Report on The Revision of the Constitution
Comrade Deputies,The draft of the revised Constitution of the People's Republic of China now submitted to the Congress for discussion, has been drawn up by the Committee for Revising the
Author: YEH CHIEN-YING Year 1978 Issue 11 PDF HTML