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91. Strive to Build a New Socialist Tibet
Following are excerpts of a speech on September 2 by Chang Kuo-hua, First Secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, at the First Session of the region's
Author: CHANG KUO-HUA Year 1965 Issue 39 PDF HTML
92. I Learn Dialectics and Grow Bigger Crops
Leader of the Unity Brigade of the Nanwang People's Commune, Penglai County, Shantung ProvinceI AM a peasant who only had four years of schooling, but in the last few years, thanks to the guidance of
Author: YAO SHIH-CHANG Year 1966 Issue 17 PDF HTML
93. Deepest Love for Chairman Mao's Works and Firmest Belief in Mao Tse-tung's Thought
The following is an abridged translation of a speech by Chang Kuei-mei at the Conference of Activists in Studying Chairman Mao's Works in Fenyang County, Shansi Province. - Ed.I AM a mother of six
Author: CHANG KUEI-MEI Year 1966 Issue 46 PDF HTML
94. Advance Triumphantly Along Chairman Mao's Proletarian Line in Building the Army
FORTY years ago, our great leader Chairman Mac personally led the famous Autumn Harvest Uprising at a crucial moment when the Chinese revolution had suffered a serious setback. The Autumn Harvest
Author: CHANG HSIU-CHUAN Year 1967 Issue 42 PDF HTML
95. Bourgeois Counter-Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics
IN leading the Chinese revolution, our great leader Chairman Mao applies the Marxist-Leninist world outlook in observing China's destiny and points out a bright road to real liberation to the Chinese
Author: YEN CHANG-KWEI Year 1967 Issue 52 PDF HTML
96. Building the World's Strongest People's Navy
HAVING served in a torpedo-boat flotilla of our navy for over a decade, I deeply realize that Mao Tse-tung's thought is the soul in building up our armed forces. Only by advancing unswervingly and
Author: CHANG Yl-MIN Year 1968 Issue 1 PDF HTML
97. Why the Indian People Go Hungry?
INDIA has been famine-stricken for years, and this year is especially serious. Millions of peasants have to subsist on bark and herb-roots. Many have starved to death, and those who survive can only
Author: Chang Chin-li Year 1968 Issue 45 PDF HTML
98. The New Socialist Spirit in My Family
Chairman Mao teaches us: "Invariably, remnants of old ideas reflecting the old system remain in people's minds for a long time, and they do not easily give way." That is so with remnants of old ideas
Author: Chang Shu-fen Year 1968 Issue 47 PDF HTML
99. Turning Chairman Mao's Philosophical Thinking Into Sharp Weapon in Hands of Workers
A worker of the Tientsin No. 2 Woollen MillSTUDYING philosophy is a must for us, the working class, in making revolution. To us, the philosophical thinking of the great leader Chairman Mao is a sharp
Author: Li Chang-mao Year 1969 Issue 46 PDF HTML
100. How I Use Chairman Mao's Philosophical Thinking to Guide Scientific Experiment
Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Tuanchieh Production Brigade, Nanwang Commune, Penglai County, Shantung ProvinceI AM a peasant. I was born in a poor-peasant family and I'm now 47 years
Author: Yao Shih-chang Year 1970 Issue 46 PDF HTML