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91. "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty": A Scrap of Paper
THE Geneva conference to review the implementation of the so-called "nuclear non-proliferation treaty" in the past five years ended recently. The Soviet revisionists made a big fanfare at the time of
Author: Fan Hsiu-chu Year 1975 Issue 24 PDF HTML
92. Competition in Space, Hardship on Earth
NOT just confined to the ground, air and sea, the fierce rivalry between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, has extended to space as well. To contend with U.S. imperialism
Author: Fan Hsiu-chu Year 1975 Issue 30 PDF HTML
93. The Key Lies in the County Party Committee
Our Correspondent Chin Chi-chuCHAIRMAN Mao teaches us: "If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party." "Within the ambit of a county, the county Party committee should play the
Author: Chin Chi-chu Year 1975 Issue 51 PDF HTML
94. Criticism of "Water Margin"
IS Water Margin (see p. 11) a novel "eulogizing the peasants' revolutionary struggle"? No. It is a novel advocating capitulationism.Is it a "revolutionary textbook"? No. It is teaching material by
Author: Chu Fang-ming Year 1976 Issue 9 PDF HTML
95. Environment and Development
THE question of environment and development is of common concern to various countries in the world. The numerous developing countries are speeding up the development of their national economies and,
Author: Chu Ko-ping Year 1976 Issue 20 PDF HTML
96. The Basic Policy for Socialist Revolution and Construction
THE publication of Chairman Mao's brilliant work On the Ten Major Relationships (see our issue No. 1, 1977) was a big event in the political life of the whole Party, the whole army and the people of
Author: Chu Chin-ping Year 1977 Issue 12 PDF HTML
97. A Visit to the Shantung Peninsula
ACCOMPANYING the delegates to the Third National Conference on Agricultural Mechanization for two weeks, I visited iron and steel plants, tractor plants, factories for making farm implements and
Author: Correspondent Chin Chi-chu Year 1978 Issue 9 PDF HTML
98. A Conscientious Builder of Socialism
The "gang of four" raised many misleading pseudo-Left slogans. What happened in those harrowing years? And how did Communists dedicate themselves to the building of socialism and struggle against
Author: Chin Chi-chu Year 1978 Issue 22 PDF HTML
99. A Conscientious Builder of Socialism
The first part of this article appeared in our last issue. This is the second and concluding part. - Ed.PINGTING used to be a backward county, but radical changes took place there a year after Li
Author: Chin Chi-chu Year 1978 Issue 23 PDF HTML
100. China's Skyrocketing Oil Output
THE oil industry, which has been a weak link in China's industrialization is now spurting ahead.In the eight years since liberation, crude oil output rose more than tenfold - from 122,000 tons in
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1958 Issue 23 PDF HTML