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111. Spreading Technical Know-How
JUST as the northeast-bound train was about to pull out of Tangshan, an industrial city in Hopei Province, two young workers rushed in to the relief of their pals who had been anxiously waiting for
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 25 PDF HTML
FIFTEEN hundred Peking citizens assembled to observe "Korea Day" on June 24, the eve of the ninth anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean war. It was an emotion-charged rally. Speaker after speaker
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 26 PDF HTML
113. China's Solidarity with Mongolia
ON July 10, more than 1,000 representatives of various circles in Peking gathered to observe "Mongolia Day" and also to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the victory of the Mongolian people's
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 28 PDF HTML
114. Kwangtung's Epic Battle Against the Flood
POLO County, along Kwangtung Province's East River, is now free of flood waters. But there are still tangible reminders of Nature's blow: washed-out rice stalks hanging limply on telegraph and
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 28 PDF HTML
THE maturing strength of each of its members is a matter of rejoicing to the whole great socialist family. This week they are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the liberation of People's Rumania
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 34 PDF HTML
116. New Industrial Upsurge
THE onrushing industrial tide rises higher. Industrial production was up 65 per cent in value in the first six months of this year compared with the same period last year. Workers throughout the
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 36 PDF HTML
117. China Celebrates Vietnam's Anniversary
EVENTS came thick and fast in Southeast Asia in 1945 following the defeat of imperialist Japan. Among them was the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2. That news brought
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 36 PDF HTML
118. Peking Greets Sofia
CHINA'S capital last week celebrated the 15th anniversary of the socialist revolution in Bulgaria (September 9). The festivities were highlighted by a grand reception given by Bulgarian Ambassador
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 37 PDF HTML
119. The New Tien An Men Square
TODAY, October 1, the eyes of the world are focussed on Tien An Men - the Gate of Heavenly Peace - in the heart of Peking. Here Peking's hundreds of thousands join in a spectacular parade to greet
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 39 PDF HTML
120. China Hails Fraternal G.D.R.
IN Peking and Berlin, representatives of the Chinese people last week warmly greeted the 10th anniversary (October 7) of the German Democratic Republic, the fraternal socialist country born in the
Author: OUR CORRESPONDENT Year 1959 Issue 41 PDF HTML