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131. A Disservice To Readers
As an editor of a magazine intended primarily for readers abroad, it is always a pleasure to see our news and views reaching out to a wider audience through the foreign mass media. Nevertheless, I am
Author: Wang Xingwu Year 1986 Issue 13 PDF HTML
132. Regional Conflicts Between Two Superpowers
In an attempt to "roll back" the advances made by the Soviet Union into certain parts of the world in the 1970s, the Reagan administration has been pursuing a policy of regional conflicts. The Soviet
Author: Wang Hexing Year 1986 Issue 45 PDF HTML
133. The Third World's Role in South-North Relations
The role of the third world In South-North relations cannot be ignored, especially In the context of increasing internationalization of economic activities.The emergence of the third world as a new
Author: Wang Hexing Year 1986 Issue 50 PDF HTML
134. Foreign Trade: Review & Preview
China's exports valued US$27 billion in 1986, 4.2 percent more than in 1985, and imports decreased 4.6 percent to US$32.76 billion. These achievements are hard-won, for 1986 was not an easy year for
Author: Wang Pinqing Year 1987 Issue 4 PDF HTML
135. Report on the Implementation of the State Budget for 1986 and on the Draft State Budget for 1987
(Delivered at the Fifth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress on March 26, 1987)I. Implementation of the State Budget for 1986With the development of the national economy, state revenues in
Author: Wang Bingqian Year 1987 Issue 17 PDF HTML
Author: Wang Wenbin Year 1987 Issue 27 PDF HTML
137. Pretoria Remains on Treacherous Road
Although violent black protests against apartheid in South Africa this year were not the daily events they had been in past years, Pretoria remained gripped by strong black resistance and increasing
Author: Wang Nengbiao Year 1987 Issue 51 PDF HTML
138. Peace Eludes Central America
August 7, 1987, was a remarkable day in Central American history. On that day the presidents of five Central American nations - casting off foreign interference - signed a peace agreement calling for
Author: Wang Chunrong Year 1988 Issue 4 PDF HTML
139. Shanghai's Rural Intelligentsia
The economic transformation taking place in China has led to cultural changes also, as is brought out in surveys of the countryside around Shanghai.With increased incomes, and the greater private
Author: Wang Jieming Year 1988 Issue 4 PDF HTML
140. 1987: Basic Balance in Foreign Trade
According to initial statistics, last year China's foreign trade was worth US$67.338 billion, US$7.241 billion more than the 1986 figure, and a 130 percent increase over 1979 when the country first
Author: Wang Pinqing Year 1988 Issue 5 PDF HTML