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1391. Yankee Imperialist Cultural Aggression In Asia and Africa
Cultural infiltration is an important part of the U.S. strategic plan for world domination. The U.S. imperialists variously call it "ideological offensive," "psychological warfare," "cultural
Author: CHEN YAO-KUANG Year 1966 Issue 10 PDF HTML
1392. New Victories on the Industrial Front
LAST year China's industrial economy consolidated the positions gained and continued its advance. It scored great successes in many fields and speeded up the pace of socialist construction.1965 saw a
Author: CHEN KUANG-CHUN Year 1966 Issue 16 PDF HTML
1393. Grow Up Braving Storm and Stress
Comrades! Students!Holding high the great red banner of Mao Tse-tung's thought with one heart and mind, you are determined, in response to Chairman Mao's call, to struggle against the ideologies of
Author: CHEN PO-TA Year 1966 Issue 35 PDF HTML
1394. Concluding Speech at Meeting in Commemoration of Lu Hsun
I WISH to say a few words at the conclusion of our meeting to commemorate Lu Hsun, that great fighter on the cultural front.On the eve of his death, Lu Hsun made a famous testament. It contains some
Author: CHEN PO-TA Year 1966 Issue 45 PDF HTML
1395. Commemorating the 25th Anniversary Of Chairman Mao's "Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art"
Comrades:The world is entering an entirely new historical epoch. It is a new epoch in which the masters are the workers, peasants and soldiers and the great banner is the thought of Mao Tse-tung.The
Author: CHEN PO-TA Year 1967 Issue 22 PDF HTML
1396. Tachai Goes Ahead in the Struggle Against China's Khrushchov
CHINA'S Khrushchov is the most dangerous enemy of our proletarian dictatorship and the deadly enemy of our 500 million peasants. Using the position and power he usurped and in his pose of a "veteran
Author: CHEN YUNG-KUEI Year 1967 Issue 49 PDF HTML
1397. Study Chairman Mao's Works for the Sole Purpose of Applying Them
This is an abridged translation of the article written by Chen Yung-kuei, Communist Party secretary of the nationally known Tachai Production Brigade in Hsiyang County, Shansi Province. In it, he
Author: CHEN YUNG-KUEI Year 1968 Issue 12 PDF HTML
1398. Documentary Film "The Victorious Closing of the Ninth National Congress Of the Communist Party of China" Now Showing
The colour documentary The Victorious Closing of the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is now showing in Peking and other parts of the country.Brimming with political
Author: Chen Fa-ping Year 1969 Issue 24 PDF HTML
1399. Advance in Reimplanting Severed Limbs From "Realm of Necessity" to "Realm of Freedom"
SINCE our 1963 success in rejoining the first severed hand of a worker, there has been new progress in the art of rejoining severed limbs.Guided by invincible Mao Tsetung Thought, we can successfully
Author: Chen Chung-wei Year 1971 Issue 2 PDF HTML
1400. Protocol of People's Republic of China and Republic of San Marino on Establishment of Official Relations at Consular Level
1. The Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of San Marino have decided upon their mutual recognition.2. The Government of the Republic of San Marino
Author: Huang Chen,Federico Bigi Year 1971 Issue 20 PDF HTML