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1471. Medicine Town Revived
Changshuchen rose and fell as a market centre for medicinal herbs in the old society. Its revival and flourishing growth today is a remarkable illustration of the renaissance of traditional Chinese
Author: WANG CHAO-LIN Year 1963 Issue 7 PDF HTML
1472. Pumping Stations in Rural Shanghai
A network of electric and diesel pumping stations protects the farmland of the ten rural counties of greater Shanghai from flood and drought. It is a highly efficient product of collective farming.
Author: WANG HUA-FANG Year 1963 Issue 17 PDF HTML
1473. Japanese People's Anti-U.S. Struggle
WITH the Panama issue still unsettled, another angry tide against U.S. imperialism has surged up. This time on the other side of the Pacific, in Japan, to free that land of U.S. militarism and
Author: WANG WEI-MIN Year 1964 Issue 7 PDF HTML
1474. New Anti-U.S. Upsurge in Japan
AS a new anti-U.S. patriotic struggle gains momentum in Japan, the National Conference on the Tenth Anniversary of the Bikini Incident and for the Banning of Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and the
Author: WANG WEI-MIN Year 1964 Issue 11 PDF HTML
1475. How We Found a Way to Grow Crops In Saline Soil
THE story of how we - our scientific research group, together with local cadres and peasants - got good crops of cotton and wheat from poor saline soil is an instructive one. Success came only after
Author: WANG SHOU-CHUN Year 1965 Issue 33 PDF HTML
1476. Power Station on the Hsinan
THE Hsinan River which flows across the western part of Chekiang Province was not so well known before. New it is nationally known as the site of the first big hydroelectric power station which China
Author: WANG CHUN-TIEN Year 1965 Issue 42 PDF HTML
1477. A Revolutionary Outlook In Treating Burns
"Peking Review" will publish a series of articles describing how people in varions fields of work in China today are learning to use Mao Tse-tung's thinking creatively to solve their problems. The
Author: KUO WANG-HO Year 1966 Issue 6 PDF HTML
1478. I Will Fight Throughout My Life for The Proletarian Revolution
Taching people are people armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, and Wang Chin-hsi, nationally known as the "Man of Iron," gloriously personifies them. This veteran oil worker has given outstanding
Author: WANG CHIN-HSI Year 1966 Issue 39 PDF HTML
1479. Boldly Mobilize the Masses, Smash the Scheme for Counter-Revolutionary Restoration
THE great proletarian cultural revolution, personally initiated and led by our great leader Chairman Mao, is a great pioneering creation unparalleled in the world. The fundamental aim of this great
Author: WANG HSIAO-YU Year 1967 Issue 15 PDF HTML
1480. A P.L.A. Motor Transport Company Sets A Fine Example
Following is an abridged translation of an article by the commander of a P.L.A. motor transport company which for years has been serving on the Chinghai-Tibet Plateau in western China. The author was
Author: WANG KEN-CHENG Year 1968 Issue 9 PDF HTML