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141. Japanese Militarists Have Not Abandoned Their Ambitions
Following is a translation of "Renmin Ribao's" February 19 article "Japanese Militarist Forces Have Not Given Up Their Ambitions." Boldface emphases are ours. - Ed.OPERATION Three Arrows," a secret
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 9 PDF HTML
142. The Just Stand of the U.A.R. Government
Following is a translation of a "Renmin Ribao" article published on February 17. Boldface emphases are ours. - Ed.RECENTLY West Germany secretly shipped large numbers of tanks and other weapons
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 9 PDF HTML
143. Greatest Indignation and Strong Protest
Following is a translation of a "Renmin Ribao" commentary published on March 15. Boldface emphases are ours. - Ed.FOUR Chinese students studying in the Soviet Union - Huang Chao-keng, Tang Pi-ming,
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 12 PDF HTML
144. China Backs Arab People's Just Struggle
Following is a translation of the article by Commentator which appeared in "Renmin Ribao" on March 14. Boldface emphases are ours. - Ed.U.S. IMPERIALISM'S instigation of the West German government to
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 12 PDF HTML
145. Chinese Personnel in Brazil Must Be Freed Immediately
Following is a translation of the April 4 "Renmin Ribao" article "The Brazilian Authorities Must Immediately Set Chinese Personnel Free." Boldface emphases are ours. - Ed.ONE whole year has elapsed
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 15 PDF HTML
146. Lame Excuses for U.S. Aggression
Following is an abridged translation of the article "Refuting the Absurd U.S. Excuses for Aggression Against the Dominican Republic" published in "Renmin Ribao" on May 12.-Ed.THE Dominican people's
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 21 PDF HTML
147. Wilson Serves Up a Hodge-Podge
IN its "statement of guidance" published in London on June 25, Wilson's "peace mission" put forward a formula, allegedly to solve the Viet Nam question. The main points are: 1) another "suspension of
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 28 PDF HTML
148. Activities of International Commission In Laos Should Be Suspended
THE Central Committee of the Neo Lao Haksat on July 23 issued a statement on the activities of the International Supervisory and Control Commission in Laos. The statement pointed out that, in
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 31 PDF HTML
149. The Spreading Flames of Wrath
THE Negro struggle in Los Angeles, Chicago and other places in the United States continues to spread. Like a volcano erupting from the trembling earth beneath, the fire of this struggle from the
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 34 PDF HTML
150. Stop the Bloodless Murder by U.S. Imperialism
THE Liaison Mission of the Viet Nam People's Army High Command has denounced strongly the setting up of a U.S. research institute for bacteriological and chemical warfare in south Viet Nam. In its
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 35 PDF HTML