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1741. A Major Diplomatic Action
Chinese President Jiang Zemin will pay an official visit to Russia and Ukraine and a state visit to France from September 2 to 12. This will be the first visit for a Chinese president to these three
Author: Our Guest Commentator Li Hongqi Year 1994 Issue 36 PDF HTML
1742. Measures to Combat Excessive Profits
Earlier this year, the Shanghai municipal government enacted sweeping measures related to excessive prices and profits. The measures included the Temporary Provisions to Combat Price Gouging and
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Bin Year 1994 Issue 37 PDF HTML
1743. New Tax System Operates Smoothly
By mid-August 1994, China had successfully completed the separate establishment of provincial-level state taxation administrations and local tax bureaus. With the exception of Tibet, which has thus
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Ning Year 1994 Issue 38 PDF HTML
1744. Heading for the 21st Century
The People's Republic of China is now celebrating her 45th birthday. On October 1 comes an occasion for grand ceremonies as well as for retrospect and a view to the future. In five years China will
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Haibo Year 1994 Issue 39 PDF HTML
1745. Extensive Water Diversion Project
The plan for a south-north water-diversion project designed to relieve the ever-increasing water shortage in north China was recently approved. The key national project is scheduled to be completed
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Rongxia Year 1994 Issue 42 PDF HTML
1746. Rising on the Northeast Horizon
With its unparalleled geo-economic position in Northeast Asia and its enviable tourism resources, China's northeast city of Mudanjiang is confident that it will turn itself into an international
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Haibo Year 1994 Issue 42 PDF HTML
1747. Henan Experiences Rapid Development
Henan Province, located in central China, covers an area of 167,000 square km and has a population of more than 85 million.Henan is one of China's most important communications hubs. The
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Bin Year 1994 Issue 46 PDF HTML
1748. Preparing for the New Century
As the year 2000 rapidly approaches, the issue concerning what kind of a world will emerge in the new century has become a hot topic of conversation amongst people throughout the world.Participants
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Ning Year 1994 Issue 51 PDF HTML
1749. Ningbo: A Rising Port City
Ten years ago, the Chinese government decided to expand Beilun Port in Ningbo on China's east coast and establish the Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone. Ningbo has since blossomed
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Bin Year 1995 Issue 3 PDF HTML
1750. Minister Hu Calls For Modern Electronic Information Processing Industry
China's electronics industry has made great progress in recent years. During the middle and late 1990s, the industry is expected to play a still greater role in developing the information processing
Author: Our Staff Reporter Li Ning Year 1995 Issue 8 PDF HTML