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171. Movement to Increase Production and Practise Economy in Industry
THE year 1971 is an important year for the Chinese people in continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat and the first year of the Fourth Five-Year Plan to develop the
Author: Chi Wei Year 1971 Issue 12 PDF HTML
172. Overall Progress in Industry
NINETEEN seventy-one is the first year of China's Fourth Five-Year Plan for developing the national economy. Under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee, industrial production and
Author: Chi Wei Year 1971 Issue 41 PDF HTML
173. Turning the Harmful Into the Beneficial
EVERY DAY large quantities of the "three wastes" - waste gas, liquid and residue - stream forth from industrial production. In capitalist countries, because the capitalists seek high profits and
Author: Chi Wei Year 1972 Issue 4 PDF HTML
174. We Are Advancing
OCTOBER 1 this year marks the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Guided by Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, the people of all nationalities in our country have,
Author: Chi Wei Year 1972 Issue 39 PDF HTML
175. Long-Term Balance in Revenue And Expenditure
This is the second of three articles explaining why there is no inflation in China. The first appeared in our last issue.-Ed.UNDER the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, socialist China
Author: Hsia Wei Year 1975 Issue 20 PDF HTML
176. China's Tax Policy
TAXATION in socialist China has nothing in common with what it was in old China. This is because the system of ownership has changed with public ownership of the means of production replacing private
Author: Wei Min Year 1975 Issue 37 PDF HTML
177. Soviet Economy Relies on Infusions From West
UNDER the signboard of "detente" and "mutually beneficial economic co-operation," the Soviet Union has stepped up developing economic ties with Western countries at an extraordinary pace since the
Author: Wei Min Year 1976 Issue 51 PDF HTML
178. How the "Gang of Four" Opposed Socialist Modernization
ARE we going to build our country into a powerful socialist state with modern agriculture, industry, national defence and science and technology? On this issue, our Party has waged a sharp struggle
Author: Chi Wei Year 1977 Issue 11 PDF HTML
179. Keep the Five-Star Red Flag Flying
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "Beijing Review" has asked several well-known persons to write about their impressions. Following is the
Author: Wei Laiguo Year 1979 Issue 40 PDF HTML
180. China's Policy on Absorption of Direct Investment From Foreign Countries
The China Investment Promotion Meeting held last month in Guangzhou was a grand international gathering. Wei Yuming, Vice-Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, made a speech at the
Author: Wei Yuming Year 1982 Issue 30 PDF HTML