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11. The Socialist Industrialization of China
This article by Vice-Premier Po I-po was published in Spanish in the October issue of "Cuba Socialista." Subheads are ours. - Ed.I PROGRESS OF SOCIALIST INDUSTRIALIZATIONONE of the great historical
Author: PO I-PO Year 1963 Issue 41 PDF HTML
12. New China's Price Policy
THE old China went to its end in a state of economic chaos. It left a legacy of currency inflation and sky-rocketing prices. One of the most pressing economic problems in the early days of the
Author: YANG PO Year 1964 Issue 47 PDF HTML
13. Socialism Is the Class Dictatorship of The Proletariat
REVOLUTIONARY storms swept the continent of Europe in the late forties of the last century. The proletariat militantly began taking the stage of history. In June 1848, the Paris proletariat staged an
Author: Po Ching Year 1975 Issue 15 PDF HTML
14. What Is Exchange Through Money?
MONEY is a particular commodity which has been fixed as the universal equivalent of other commodities. This means money can be exchanged for all kinds of commodities. Like other commodities, it was
Author: Po Ching Year 1975 Issue 22 PDF HTML
15. Yugoslav Revisionism - Product of Imperialist Policy
This article originally appeared in the first issue of the new publication "Hongqi" (The Red Flag), fortnightly theoretical journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.-Ed.THE
Author: CHEN PO-TA Year 1958 Issue 16 PDF HTML
16. A Page of Provincial News
KANSU Province, in the northwest, was lately one of China's poorest and most backward regions. With an area as big as Italy and Greece combined, before liberation it had only twenty small industrial
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1958 Issue 24 PDF HTML
17. China's Second "Great Wall"
The people of Kansu Province are remaking nature by creating oases in the desert and building a huge canal 2,000 metres above sea level. Initial success has also been achieved in experiments with the
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1958 Issue 40 PDF HTML
18. Cable-Tow Traction for Farm Tools
CABLE-TOWS are being used increasingly on China's farms to pull ploughs and other farm tools. Together with tractors, they are very likely to provide a fresh impetus to the mechanization of China's
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1959 Issue 8 PDF HTML
19. Loyang's Tractor Works
CHINA began her mass production of tractors with the official commissioning of the No. 1 Tractor Works in Loyang, Honan Province on November 1.A grand inauguration, held to celebrate the occasion on
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1959 Issue 45 PDF HTML
20. Iron and Steel: From Nil to a Big Flow
A LITTLE more than a year ago, coastal Shantung Province was a blank as far as ferrous metallurgy was concerned. But thanks to the mass movement for iron and steel that started in 1958, it is now one
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1959 Issue 49 PDF HTML