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11. China's Aid to Foreign Countries
BY the end of 1982, China had extended economic and technical aid to 76 countries, undertaking 1,319 projects (1,021 of them already completed) and dispatching 180,000 engineers and technicians and
Author: Li Ke, Representative of the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Year 1983 Issue 36 PDF HTML
12. Sino-US Trade Co-operation Expands
Since the establishment of normal diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979, Sino-US direct trade has made rapid progress. In that year the two countries signed the Sino-US
Author: Wang Pinqing, vice-minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Year 1988 Issue 25 PDF HTML
13. Rapid Foreign Trade Development
The Tibet Autonomous Region, a vast expanse of land with abundant natural resources and long-standing national industry, has equally vast potential for the development of foreign trade. Since
Author: the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Tibet Autonomous Region Year 1995 Issue 32 PDF HTML
14. Han Fei - An Outstanding Exponent of Pre-Chin Dynasty Legalist Ideas
THE Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) and the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) saw the transition of Chinese society from the slave system to the feudal system. With the former system
Author: by the Workers' Theoretical Group of the Peking Trade Union Council and the Chinese Language and Literature Department of Peking Teachers' University Year 1974 Issue 46 PDF HTML