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11. Comrade Chang Szu-teh As I Remember Him
We published the first instalment of the article "Comrade Chang Szu-teh As I Remember Him" in "Peking Review" No. 36. Following is the second instalment. - P.R. Ed.There Is Revolutionary Work
Author: CHEN YAO Year 1968 Issue 37 PDF HTML
12. Comrade Chang Szu-teh As I Remember Him
We published the first two instalments of this article in "Peking Review," Nos. 36 and 37. Following is the third instalment. - "P.R." Ed.Picking the Heavy TasksChang and I were then working in the
Author: CHEN YAO Year 1968 Issue 38 PDF HTML
13. Comrade Chang Szu-teh As I Remember Him
We published the first three instalments of this article in "Peking Review" Nos. 36, 37 and 38. Following is the last instalment. - P.R. Ed.Studying for the RevolutionChang often advised us, "Look
Author: CHEN YAO Year 1968 Issue 39 PDF HTML
14. Soviet Revisionists' "Economic Integration" Exposed
THE Soviet revisionist renegade clique has been exerting political, economic and military pressure in the past few years on the member states of the "Council for Mutual Economic Aid" (CMEA) in a
Author: Yao Lo Year 1969 Issue 25 PDF HTML
15. U.S. Imperialist Economic Expansion and Plunder In Southeast Asia
THE great leader Chairman Mao pointed out long ago: "This is the period of the final struggle of dying imperialism - imperialism is 'moribund capitalism.' But just because it is dying, it is all the
Author: Yao Lo Year 1969 Issue 35 PDF HTML
16. Agony in El Salvador
EL SALVADOR is embroiled in fierce internal turmoil. Confronted with a rising anti-government tide sweeping the country, on May 23 the government proclaimed a state of siege, a kind of martial law,
Author: Yao Yuan Year 1979 Issue 26 PDF HTML
17. Report on the Readjustment of the 1981 National Economic Plan and State Revenue and Expenditure
On February 25, at the 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress, Yao Yilin, Vice-Premier and Minister in Charge of the State Planning Commission, delivered a
Author: Yao Yilin Year 1981 Issue 11 PDF HTML
18. Report on the 1983 Plan for National Economic and Social Development
Fellow Deputies,In November 1982, the State Council drew up the 1983 Plan for National Economic and Social Development, which was approved after examination by the Fifth National People's Congress at
Author: Yao Yilin Year 1983 Issue 28 PDF HTML
19. Electronics Exports Shoot Up
China's electronics exports in the first half of 1986 showed one of the largest increases in China's export history. Logging US$223 million, Chinese electronics sold abroad grew 9.7 times over the
Author: Yao Jianguo Year 1986 Issue 31 PDF HTML
20. Socialist Features Reexamined
What is a socialist society like? Karl Marx and Frederick Engels suggested some of the characteristics of socialism before it came into existence. Later when Soviet Russia embarked on the socialist
Author: Zhao Yao Year 1986 Issue 49 PDF HTML