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231. How Dengji Beat the Floods
WHEN the Dengji Commune farmers looked out this summer on their fields inundated for the second time in two years they might well have been excused for feeling a bit fed up. But they didn't need to
Author: CHANG FU - NIEN Year 1961 Issue 43 PDF HTML
232. YENPIEN: A Decade of Progress
In the Yenpien Korean Autonomous "Chou" in China's northeast, Koreans and Hans, working shoulder to shoulder, have scored remarkable successes in the common cause of socialist construction.ONE million
Author: CHIN CHUN-FU Year 1962 Issue 50 PDF HTML
233. Relying on "On Practice" and "On Contradiction" To Make a Chinese-Type Frequency Clock
USING the great Mao Tse-tung's thought as our weapon, we succeeded in making China's first frequency clock after working hard for a year and more. Compared with foreign-made clocks of this kind, it
Author: FANG FU-KEN Year 1966 Issue 25 PDF HTML
234. Follow Chairman Mao, Carry the Revolution Through to the End
I HAVE received a most profound education through participation in this great proletarian cultural revolution.Before the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Party's Eighth Central Committee [convened in
Author: PAN FU-SHENG Year 1967 Issue 14 PDF HTML
235. Liquidation of Armed Struggle Means Shameful Betrayal of the Proletarian Revolutionary Cause
IT is by no means accidental that during the great proletarian cultural revolution the top Party person in authority taking the capitalist road should have raised the evil flag of the bourgeois
Author: FU CHUNG-PI Year 1967 Issue 30 PDF HTML
236. Be Advanced Fighters in Continuing the Revolution Under the Dictatorship Of the Proletariat
A worker in Shihchiachuang, Hopei ProvinceTHE Party's Ninth National Congress presided over by our great leader Chairman Mao himself unanimously adopted the political report Vice-Chairman Lin made on
Author: Ma Fu-chuan Year 1969 Issue 21 PDF HTML
237. Chairman Mao's Revolutionary Line Lights Up Our Hearts
OUR whole hilly village became a scene of jubilation when the extra good news of the grand closing of the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China reached our Hsiatsun People's
Author: Fu Yao-shih Year 1969 Issue 22 PDF HTML
238. Overcoming Empiricism
FOLLOWING Chairman Mao's teaching "Read and study seriously and have a good grasp of Marxism," I have stepped up my efforts to study several works by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and Chairman Mao's
Author: Ni Chih-fu Year 1972 Issue 43 PDF HTML
239. Imperialists Shift Burden of Economic Crises On to Developing Countries
THE imperialist countries in recent years have often been saddled simultaneously with an over-production crisis and a financial and monetary crisis. To get out of the fix which is fraught with
Author: Fu Ching-yen Year 1973 Issue 18 PDF HTML
240. Three-in-One Teachers Contingent
This is the last of three articles on the revolution in education in Shanghai's Tungchi University. The first and second entitled "An Example of Open-Door Education" and "Attend Universities, Manage
Author: Fu Hsin-chi Year 1976 Issue 3 PDF HTML