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21. Full Market Counters in Peking
New China's capital with a population of several millions is successfully solving the problem of supplying itself with non-staple foods. The "secret" of its success is socialist planning of
Author: CHEN HSUEH-NUNG Year 1965 Issue 3 PDF HTML
22. To Get Stable, High Yields
FARMS throughout China are engaged in a largescale, mass effort in capital construction. Stage by stage and area by area, they aim to turn the greater part of the country's cultivated land, in not
Author: CHEN HSUEH-NUNG Year 1965 Issue 23 PDF HTML
23. Proletarian Mass Democracy Is Fine!
CHINA'S great proletarian cultural revolution which is now going on in depth is a great revolutionary mass movement unparalleled in history and a resounding song of triumph of communism. The words
Author: TING HSUEH-LEI Year 1967 Issue 45 PDF HTML
24. Closely Follow Chairman Mao, Always Make Revolution
THE convocation of the Ninth National Congress of the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China is an exceptionally happy event in the political life of the whole Party and the entire
Author: Sung Hsueh-yi Year 1969 Issue 16 PDF HTML
25. The Essence of "Theory of Productive Forces" Is to Oppose Proletarian Revolution
THE renegade, hidden traitor and scab Liu Shao-chi consistently advocated the reactionary "theory of productive forces." According to this fallacy, socialist revolution is impossible and the
Author: Hung Hsueh-ping Year 1969 Issue 38 PDF HTML
26. A Big Poisonous Weed Advocating Capitalist Restoration on Behalf of Liu Shao-chi
AT every critical moment and on every important issue in the course of China's revolution in the last several decades, acute struggles have been waged between the proletarian revolutionary line
Author: Ting Hsueh-lei Year 1969 Issue 44 PDF HTML
27. Dialectics Applied in Driving Safely
Member of a transport company of a unit of the Chinese People's Liberation ArmyAFTER joining the army in 1968 and going through a short-term driving course, I began to carry out the task of transport
Author: Hsueh Hsiang-tung Year 1970 Issue 39 PDF HTML
28. Study Conscientiously for the Revolution
CHINA'S Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has won great victories. An extensive study movement is now sweeping our country in accordance with our great leader Chairman Mao's instruction to carry
Author: Chou Hsueh-li Year 1971 Issue 9 PDF HTML
29. Democratic Centralism in Party Committees
THE new Party Constitution adopted by the Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stipulates that "the organizational principle of the Party is democratic centralism." In both
Author: Chiang Hsueh-yuan Year 1973 Issue 47 PDF HTML
30. Consciously Resisting Bourgeois Corruption
CHAIRMAN Mao recently said: "Why did Lenin speak of exercising dictatorship over the bourgeoisie? It is essential to get this question clear. Lack of clarity on this question will lead to
Author: Hung Hsueh-fei Year 1975 Issue 25 PDF HTML