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21. How China Handles Civil Disputes
With more and more people seeking to defend their rights through legal channels and the nation's ever-growing exchanges with the outside world, people's courts in China are tackling a constant flow
Author: ZHANG ZHIYE Year 1984 Issue 7 PDF HTML
22. China's Economy: Achievements in 1983
With rising agriculture and industry, a robust market and better living standards, the picture was one of the best after liberation. The upturn will continue through 1984NINETEEN eighty-three was the
Author: ZHANG ZHONGJI Year 1984 Issue 8 PDF HTML
23. Handling Crime Strictly According to Law
CHINA'S social order is close to the best period since the founding of the People's Republic, thanks to the September 1983 decision of the NPC Standing Committee to impose severe and prompt
Author: ZHANG ZHIYE Year 1984 Issue 17 PDF HTML
24. Setting Up Organizations of State Power at Basic Level
IT is of vital concern in the consolidation of our people's democratic dictatorship and the accomplishment of our socialist modernization to separate government administration from commune management
Author: ZHANG YOUYU Year 1984 Issue 23 PDF HTML
25. Growth of China's Minority Population
Based on the national censuses of 1953, 1964 and 1982 and other statistics, the author analyses the development of the national minority populations, their geographical locations, changing age
Author: ZHANG TIANLU Year 1984 Issue 25 PDF HTML
26. Labour Relations Smooth in Special Zone
Our CorrespondentWITH the birth of socialist public ownership after liberation, the labour-capital relations that resulted in capitalist exploitation of workers were eliminated in China.However, in
Author: ZHANG ZEYU Year 1984 Issue 51 PDF HTML
27. Price Reform Heralds New Economic Boom
UNLIKE those in the rest of China, the economic systems in the special economic zones are, by and large, regulated by market forces. They are also open to the world market. Obviously, the original
Author: ZHANG ZEYU Year 1985 Issue 1 PDF HTML
28. Passing On Traditional Chinese Medicine
A two-year-old boy, Meng Yue, lay dying because his body could not absorb the nutrients from the food he ate. For seven months he had failed to respond to the treatment of Western-style doctors. His
Author: ZHANG GONGYUAN Year 1985 Issue 3 PDF HTML
29. What's in the Cards?
1985 will see a continued strong US dollar, plunging oil prices, low inflation rates and a slowdown in the Western economies.What happened to the exchange rates of Western currencies in 1984 and what
Author: ZHANG DEBAO Year 1985 Issue 10 PDF HTML
Encyclopedia Volume Examines the LawScience of Law, which was recently released as part of the voluminous Encyclopedia Sinica (in Chinese), is the result of years of painstaking efforts by 200
Author: Zhang Youyu Year 1985 Issue 10 PDF HTML