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21. What Has Happened in Beijing?
A counter-revolutionary revolt broke out in Beijing on June 3 and 4 after turmoil lasting a month. The martial law enforcement troops from the People's Liberation Army (PLA), armed police and public
Author: Shi Wei Year 1989 Issue 26 PDF HTML
22. Why Impose Martial Law in Beijing?
By the third week of May 1989, serious turmoil had taken place in Beijing and social stability, people's normal life and social order had been disrupted. In view of this and in accordance with the
Author: SHI WEI Year 1989 Issue 26 PDF HTML
23. New Developments in Southern Africa
On August 28, Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and acting South African President F. W. de Klerk held talks in Livingstone, a tourist city some 480 km south of Lusaka, during which the two discussed
Author: by Shi Fei Year 1989 Issue 38 PDF HTML
24. Water Crisis in North China And Counter-Measures
Today, all countries, rich or poor, are facing the shortage of water resources in their socio-economic development. Several years ago, catastrophic drought engulfed almost all of Africa, and, last
Author: Dong Shi Year 1990 Issue 14 PDF HTML
25. For an Equitable Solution to the Third World Debt Problem
The third world debt crisis broke out in 1982 when Mexico first announced in August of that year that it could no longer meet its current external debt service payments. Generally speaking, the early
Author: Shi Jiuyong Year 1990 Issue 24 PDF HTML
26. World Economy in the 1990s: A Forecast
Entering the 1990s, the world's economy is undergoing a transition. Several features characterize this transition, including the establishment of large trading blocs, who will become the driving
Author: Shi Min Year 1990 Issue 33 PDF HTML
27. War Alters Mideast Political Map
The Gulf crisis has unfortunately escalated into war. The conflict not only intensified contradictions and cleavages in the Middle East, but also caused tremendous economic losses to the
Author: Shi Jian Year 1991 Issue 5 PDF HTML
28. Europe Calls for Peace
Leaders of 51 member countries in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) issued a strong appeal for peace during their July 9-10 summit meeting in Helsinki, Finland.In contrast
Author: Shi Lujia Year 1992 Issue 30 PDF HTML
29. Zhao Zhangguang And His 101 Series
Since being put on the market in 1987, Zhangguang 101, a highly effective medicine stimulating new hair growth, and its sister products have had sales of 360 million yuan. Exports have earned a total
Author: Ping Shi Year 1992 Issue 41 PDF HTML
30. Exports of Zhangguang 101 Increase Rapidly
Willams Ling, 19, a student at the University of California, Berkeley, suddenly began losing his hair last May. He searched all over the United States for a cure for his premature baldness, taking
Author: Ping Shi Year 1992 Issue 51 PDF HTML