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21. Angola Fights for Independence
FOR nearly 500 years the Portuguese colonialists have ruled Angola with bloody, grasping hands. Today that rule is toppling. For two years now the flames of an armed people's struggle have been
Author: WANG LIN Year 1963 Issue 7 PDF HTML
22. Dark Clouds Over the Caribbean
ON February 13, two Cuban Sigma-type fishing boats were machine-gunned and seized in the vicinity of Roque Island by a launch which had come from Florida in the United States. On the afternoon of
Author: WANG LIN Year 1963 Issue 9 PDF HTML
23. Modernizing China's Agriculture
CHINA is concentrating a major effort on agriculture. This entails, on the one hand, the further consolidation of the collective economy of the people's communes and, on the other, technical reform
Author: WANG WEI Year 1963 Issue 9 PDF HTML
24. The World Congress of Women
THE main point on the agenda of the World Congress of Women held in Moscow from June 24 to 29 was discussion and formulation of the policy and tasks of the international democratic women's movement.
Author: WANG HSI Year 1963 Issue 29 PDF HTML
25. Rising Armed Struggle in the Congo
I HAVE never for a single moment doubted that the cause to which my colleagues and I have devoted our whole lives will win final victory. . . . The Congolese people will never give up their struggle
Author: Wang Lin Year 1964 Issue 12 PDF HTML
26. Another Revelation of Indian Expansionism
RECENT events in India have cast further light on who is behind the anti-China activities of the Tibetan rebels. On March 9, these rebels, who all along have been shielded by the Indian Government,
Author: WANG LIN Year 1964 Issue 14 PDF HTML
27. New China's Electoral System
The First Session of the Third National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China concluded on January 4 in Peking. In response to requests from readers, we present an article reviewing New
Author: Wang Min Year 1965 Issue 2 PDF HTML
28. How Engels Criticized Duhring's Apriorism
Duhring -"Genius" or Swindler?ANTI-DUHRING, Engels' great work, was the product of an acute inner-party struggle.During the 1870s, Eugen Duhring, a lecturer at Berlin University, came out with a
Author: Wang Che Year 1972 Issue 10 PDF HTML
29. From Manhattan to Honolulu
YOU should've come years ago to see the States. If it hadn't been for the U.S. Government's policy of not recognizing New China for more than 20 years, how could contact between the people of our two
Author: Wang Hsi Year 1973 Issue 3536 PDF HTML
30. Long-Term Stability of "Renminbi"
This is the last of three articles explaining why there is no inflation in China. The first two appeared in Nos. 19 and 20. - Ed.RENMINBI, the unified currency used in China, is one of the world's
Author: Wang Ping Year 1975 Issue 21 PDF HTML