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311. Heads or Tails?
A look at where Sino-U.S. relations may be under the Biden presidency
Author: By Chen Wenling Year 2021 Issue 4 PDF HTML
312. Democratic Viet-nam's Three-Year Plan
1958, for the 13 million people in the Democratic Republic of Viet-nam, was the year of the most far-reaching economic advances achieved so far. The initiative and progress of the working people on
Author: CHEN CHIA-PAO and WEI CHEN Year 1959 Issue 3 PDF HTML
313. Formation and Development of Mao Zedong Thought
THE necessity of China's historical development produced Mao Zedong Thought. It came into existence after World War I and the triumphant Russian October Socialist Revolution led by Lenin. This was a
Author: Ma Qibin, Chen Dengcai and Chen Wei Year 1982 Issue 6 PDF HTML
314. A Factory Improves Its Leadership
During the rectification campaign, many people holding leading positions in factories and mines began to lake part in actual production work. They followed the example set by rural leaders, who
Author: WANG MO-CHEN Year 1958 Issue 15 PDF HTML
315. Yugoslav Revisionism - Product of Imperialist Policy
This article originally appeared in the first issue of the new publication "Hongqi" (The Red Flag), fortnightly theoretical journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.-Ed.THE
Author: CHEN PO-TA Year 1958 Issue 16 PDF HTML
316. Days with Chairman Mao
The following is a slightly abridged version of the first two parts of a serial which the popular fortnightly "Xin Guancha" (New Observer) is currently publishing under the title "With Chairman Mao
Author: CHEN CHANG-FENG Year 1958 Issue 21 PDF HTML
317. On the Long March with Chairman Mao
This is the second instalment of our abridged version of the reminiscences of Colonel Chen Chang-feng, "With Chairman Mao on the Long March," now appearing serially in the popular fortnightly "Xin
Author: CHEN CHANG-FENG Year 1958 Issue 22 PDF HTML
318. A Page of Provincial News
KANSU Province, in the northwest, was lately one of China's poorest and most backward regions. With an area as big as Italy and Greece combined, before liberation it had only twenty small industrial
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1958 Issue 24 PDF HTML
319. China's Second "Great Wall"
The people of Kansu Province are remaking nature by creating oases in the desert and building a huge canal 2,000 metres above sea level. Initial success has also been achieved in experiments with the
Author: CHEN PO-SAN Year 1958 Issue 40 PDF HTML
Following is the text of the joint communique of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Provisional Government of the Republic of Algeria signed in Peking on December 20, 1958.
Author: CHEN YI,MAHMOUD CHERIF Year 1958 Issue 43 PDF HTML