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351. Tachai Goes Ahead in the Struggle Against China's Khrushchov
CHINA'S Khrushchov is the most dangerous enemy of our proletarian dictatorship and the deadly enemy of our 500 million peasants. Using the position and power he usurped and in his pose of a "veteran
Author: CHEN YUNG-KUEI Year 1967 Issue 49 PDF HTML
352. Study Chairman Mao's Works for the Sole Purpose of Applying Them
This is an abridged translation of the article written by Chen Yung-kuei, Communist Party secretary of the nationally known Tachai Production Brigade in Hsiyang County, Shansi Province. In it, he
Author: CHEN YUNG-KUEI Year 1968 Issue 12 PDF HTML
353. Documentary Film "The Victorious Closing of the Ninth National Congress Of the Communist Party of China" Now Showing
The colour documentary The Victorious Closing of the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is now showing in Peking and other parts of the country.Brimming with political
Author: Chen Fa-ping Year 1969 Issue 24 PDF HTML
354. Study Materialist Dialectics and Be a Vanguard Fighter in Consciously Making Revolution
Woman worker of the Tientsin No. 4 Cotton MillIn this article, Comrade Wang Shu-chen has used her experience and historical materialism to explain two points.The first is that the working class is
Author: Wang Shu-chen Year 1970 Issue 49 PDF HTML
355. Advance in Reimplanting Severed Limbs From "Realm of Necessity" to "Realm of Freedom"
SINCE our 1963 success in rejoining the first severed hand of a worker, there has been new progress in the art of rejoining severed limbs.Guided by invincible Mao Tsetung Thought, we can successfully
Author: Chen Chung-wei Year 1971 Issue 2 PDF HTML
356. Protocol of People's Republic of China and Republic of San Marino on Establishment of Official Relations at Consular Level
1. The Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of San Marino have decided upon their mutual recognition.2. The Government of the Republic of San Marino
Author: Huang Chen,Federico Bigi Year 1971 Issue 20 PDF HTML
357. The Times Are Marching Ahead
THE times are marching ahead, the world is changing. This is definitely true.One needs to make comparisons to see things clearly. Compare today with yesterday, this year with last year and the
Author: Wang Shu-chen Year 1972 Issue 21 PDF HTML
358. Book Introduction
NEW BOOK On the Long March With Chairman MaoThe world-renowned Long March which covered a distance of 25,000 li (12,500 kilometres) was made by the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army under the
Author: by Chen Chang-feng Year 1972 Issue 27 PDF HTML
359. Persevere in Making Revolution, Oppose Restoration
THE Chinese people's great leader Chairman Mao in 1955 made an important statement in referring to our Chenchiachuang Agricultural Producers' Cooperative in the book Socialist Upsurge in China's
Author: Chen Yi-mei Year 1974 Issue 12 PDF HTML
360. People's Strength Triumphs Over Nature
I AM a member of our commune's hailstorm prevention group. A hired farm labourer in old China, I couldn't afford to go to school and have never read any "classics" of Confucius and Mencius. But their
Author: Chen Yu-ching Year 1974 Issue 44 PDF HTML