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351. Institute an Economic Planning System Better Suited to China's Conditions
Fundamentally, the leading role of the planned economy should be upheld and the capitalist market economy should not be adopted in both the state economy and collective economy.The two major
Author: "Renmin Ribao" Commentator Year 1982 Issue 41 PDF HTML
352. China Will Never Seek Hegemony
TO defend world peace and firmly oppose hegemonism, the Chinese people have repeatedly declared to the world that under no circumstances shall we seek hegemony.This means that China will never seek
Author: "Renmin Ribao" Commentator Year 1983 Issue 6 PDF HTML
353. 'Complete Westernization' Negates Socialism
As China entered the latter half of the 1980s its people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, made universally acknowledged achievements in their efforts to turn China into a modern
Author: by Renmin Ribao Commentator Year 1987 Issue 3 PDF HTML
354. Building an 'Eco-West'
The development of the western region is a significant strategic decision concerning the country's modernization drive and the survival and development of the Chinese nation in the long term. Just as
Author: RENMIN RIBAO (People's Daily) Year 2000 Issue 18 PDF HTML
355. Plunder of China's Sea-Bed and Subsoil Resources by U.S. and Japanese Reactionaries Will Never Be Allowed
IN disregard of the strong opposition and warning of the Chinese and Korean people, the Japanese reactionaries, ganging up with the Chiang Kai-shek bandit gang and the Pak Jung Hi clique, are
Author: "Renmin Ribao" Commentator Year 1971 Issue 1 PDF HTML
356. Resolute Support to Korean People in Smashing U.S. Imperialism's Armed Provocation
ON December 26, U.S. imperialism sent a number of armed vessels and aircraft to intrude into the area off the eastern shores of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This provocation of the
Author: "Renmin Ribao" Commentator Year 1971 Issue 1 PDF HTML
357. Disruption of Sino-Lao Friendship Is Deplorable
THE Soviet Government abruptly issued a statement on March 2 alleging that Chinese troops were concentrating on the Sino-Lao frontier in preparation for "an invasion of Laos." It has done so for an
Author: Renmin Ribao Commentator Year 1979 Issue 11 PDF HTML
358. Advance From Victory to Victory
THE proletariat and the working people all over the world are today joyously celebrating their own festival of solidarity and militancy - "May 1," International Labour Day.Under the guidance of
Author: Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jiejangjun Bao Year 1968 Issue 18 PDF HTML
359. Another Recession
WHAT greets the eye of those first visitors to the United States is a peaceful world where there are streams of cars, a forest of tall buildings and glittering neon lights. But, after coming into
Author: "Renmin Ribao" Correspondent Wang Fei Year 1979 Issue 35 PDF HTML
360. Differentiations Are Necessary
MAO Zedong Thought is the application and development of Marxism-Leninism in China, the proven correct theoretical principles of the Chinese revolution, the summation of experiences and the
Author: Zhang Bizhong, a staff member of "Renmin Ribao" Year 1981 Issue 38 PDF HTML