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381. Learning on the Go
Mobile Internet-based coaching contributes to evolving education in China
Author: By Bai Shi & Lu Yan Year 2017 Issue 48 PDF HTML
382. Establishment and Development
One of China's most populous, Shantung Province on the east coast has 55 million people living in an area of 150,000 square kilometres. It was in southern Shantung's Chufu County that Confucius was
Author: Our Correspondents Lu Hsuan and Chou Chin Year 1974 Issue 34 PDF HTML
383. Tremendous Force in Transforming Nature
SHANTUNG Province has fertile farmland as well as barren mountains and rampaging waters. Natural conditions notwithstanding, the barrenness was a result of the wanton plunder of natural resources by
Author: Our Correspondents Lu Hsuan and Chou Chin Year 1974 Issue 35 PDF HTML
384. Diversified Economy Thrives
TAKE grain as the key link and ensure an all-round development." This is an important policy of our country in developing farm production. While the accent is on increasing grain output, energetic
Author: Our Correspondents Lu Hsuan and Chou Chin Year 1974 Issue 36 PDF HTML
385. Remarriage Still Causes Controversy
Since the new marriage law was promulgated in 1981, many marriage bureaux, devoted exclusively to people over 50 have been established. However, due to die hard feudalist ideas, only a few of those
Author: Our Correspondents Lu Panqing and Li Ning Year 1987 Issue 38 PDF HTML
386. Anyang Begins Political Reform
Before last October's 13th Party Congress drew up the blueprint for political structural reform, some cities in China had already initiated the project on a trial basis. One of these cities, Anyang,
Author: Our Correspondents Lu Yun and Feng Jing Year 1988 Issue 12 PDF HTML
387. Industrial Reform & Technological Progress
This is an excerpted translation of a speech delivered at the China-US Joint Session on Industry, Trade and Economic Development.Over the past nine years, while focusing our efforts on the
Author: Lu Dong, chairman of the China Association of Industrial Economics Year 1988 Issue 27 PDF HTML
388. Mass Line: Giving Villagers a Helping Hand
This report, covering a region in north China, mirrors some aspects of China's effort to build closer relations between Party and government functionaries and the masses and to overcome bureaucratism.
Author: Our Staff Reporters Cheng Gang and Lu Yun Year 1990 Issue 23 PDF HTML
389. China Keeps Its Promise: The RMB Won't Depreciate
Since the Southeast Asia financial crisis began last year, the Chinese government has kept its promise that the Renminbi (RMB) will not be devalued. Due to the fact that China has kept its word,
Author: Our Guest Reporters Lu Liqin and Li Huilian Year 1998 Issue 41 PDF HTML
390. Raging Gun Violence
A gruesome record was set in the U.S. with over 400 mass shootings in 2019
Author: By John S. Marshall, Gao Lu and Sun Ding Year 2020 Issue 1 PDF HTML