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Your search : [ author:The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China] Total 62 Search Results,Processed in 0.085 second(s)
31. Chairman Mao's Line on Army Building - Beacon Guiding Our Victorious Advance
OUR hydrographic unit is a battle service unit. Our task is to give directions for navigation in battle and to take care of and install and repair the signal lights in the work of preparedness
Author: the Party branch of a P.L.A. naval hydrographic unit Year 1969 Issue 32 PDF HTML
32. Mao Zedong and His Father
Mao Zedong, late chairman of the Communist Party of China, was born in the village of Shaoshan in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, in 1893 to Mao Shunsheng and Wen Qimei.Mao Shunsheng (1870-1920) was
Author: "ZHONGGUO LAONIAN" (China's Elderly) Year 1988 Issue 23 PDF HTML
33. Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
The founding and development of the nuclear industry is one of the greatest achievements in China's socialist construction since the founding of the People's Republic 40 years ago. China's successful
Author: China Nuclear Industry Corp. Year 1989 Issue 42 PDF HTML
34. Open Policy Brings Achievements
Over the past decade, the open policy has brought remarkable returns to China, which are manifested in the following six aspects:First, it has helped to introduce quite a large amount of foreign
Author: ZHONGGUO XINWEN (China News) Year 1991 Issue 52 PDF HTML
35. Road Forward for China's Socialist Agriculture
WITH the development in depth of struggle-criticism-transformation, a new upsurge in socialist revolution and construction, in which the struggle between the two classes, two roads and two lines is
Author: the Writing Group of the Honan Provincial Revolutionary Committee Year 1970 Issue 7 PDF HTML
36. Mao Tsetung Thought Inspires Us Forward
HSIYANG County was in the past a barren hilly area with steep slopes and only a thin layer of top soil. Ridden by natural calamities and hit by drought in nine years out of ten, it was one of those
Author: the Revolutionary Committee of Hsiyang County, Shansi Province Year 1970 Issue 8 PDF HTML
37. Great Programme for Building a Contingent of Proletarian Intellectuals
PUBLISHED 13 years ago, the Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work* by our great leader Chairman Mao, which came after On the Correct Handling of
Author: the Writing Group of the Revolutionary Committee of Anhwei Province Year 1970 Issue 12 PDF HTML
38. Strengthen Further the Dictatorship of The Proletariat
ONE year has gone by since our great leader Chairman Mao personally presided over the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a congress with a far-reaching influence in the history
Author: the Writing Group of the Heilungkiang Provincial Revolutionary Committee Year 1970 Issue 15 PDF HTML
39. Socialist Construction and Class Struggle In the Field of Economics
THE struggle between the two classes, two roads and two lines on China's economic front is deepening. Using our great leader Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line for socialist construction
Author: the Writing Group of the Kirin Provincial Revolutionary Committee Year 1970 Issue 16 PDF HTML
40. Powerful Ideological Weapon in Revolutionary Mass Criticism
In Commemoration of the 28th Anniversary of "Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art"MARXISM is, in essence, critical and revolutionary. Our great leader Chairman Mao's Talks at the Yenan
Author: Writing Group of the Tientsin Municipal Revolutionary Committee Year 1970 Issue 20 PDF HTML