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41. Economic Progress in 14 Coastal Cities
The 14 coastal cities, which were designated open cities in 1984, produced an industrial output value of 199.2 billion yuan in 1986 (not including enterprises run below the village level), or 7.4
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 13 PDF HTML
42. First General Survey of Urban Housing
Between July 1985 and July 1986 China conducted its first general survey of urban housing. With zero hour December 31, 1986 as the reference time, the survey covered 323 cities. The results show that
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 19 PDF HTML
43. Specialized Households
The number of specialized households is increasing, and their business-scale is becoming large. Secondary and tertiary industry households are developing more rapidly than agricultural JUNE 8, 1987
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 23 PDF HTML
44. Development of Chinese Cities
The expansion of China's urban areas and the extension of municipal jurisdiction over surrounding areas have promoted the development of and co-ordination between town and countryside.The history of
Author: State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 27 PDF HTML
45. Changes in Industrial Ownership Structure
As a result of the implementation of the policy of reform, opening up and economic invigoration, rapid progress has been made in various economic sectors since 1979 while keeping the predominance of
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 29 PDF HTML
46. Sustained Economic Development
Since the beginning of this year the campaign to "increase production and practise economy, increase revenue and reduce expenditure" has been unfolding throughout the country. Supply increased and
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 30 PDF HTML
47. Collective and Private Services in China
Since the policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy was implemented in 1979, China's collective (not including supply and marketing co-operatives) and private
Author: State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 35 PDF HTML
48. High Employment Rate Among Urban Women
At the end of 1986, of China's city people able to work, 62 million were women between the ages of 16 and 54. Fifty-one million of them have been taking part in all kinds of social labour, accounting
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1987 Issue 41 PDF HTML
49. 1987 - A Year of Stable Economic Growth
Last year saw a further development in production and economic construction. GNP topped 1,000 billion yuan for the first time in history, an increase of 9 percent over 1986 in real terms. But there
Author: State Statistical Bureau Year 1988 Issue 2 PDF HTML
50. Thriving Retail Markets
The market both in urban and rural areas was very active last year. But the increase in purchasing power outstripped the growth of supply. Some important commodities were in short supply and their
Author: the State Statistical Bureau Year 1988 Issue 4 PDF HTML