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501. To the Doorsteps of the People
New China's theatres make it a rule to send topnotch companies on tour to the smaller cities and to the countryside as well. This is what is popularly known as the policy of "taking drama to the
Author: YUAN SHIH-HAI Year 1962 Issue 41 PDF HTML
502. Aviation Aids Agriculture
WITH the whole country giving top priority to agriculture, civil aviation too is doing its bit. Aeroplanes are playing an increasingly important role in the nation's farm work and forestry.In the
Author: HO FENG-YUAN Year 1962 Issue 49 PDF HTML
BECENTLY I took a through train to Urumchi, capital of the Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region some 4,000 kilometres from Peking.Having left Lanchow, the capital of Kansu Province, we headed northwest
Author: CHIN YUAN-MING Year 1963 Issue 42 PDF HTML
504. Division and Realignment
LEADERS of the NATO bloc countries have been in frequent contact of late. The United States held talks with West Germany first, then with Italy, Canada and Britain. Such exchanges between West
Author: YUAN HSIEN-LU Year 1964 Issue 13 PDF HTML
IN the past, we Peking opera actors had an old saying: "Men of the same trade are enemies." This aptly describes the relationship between man and man in the old society of cut-throat competition. But
Author: YUAN SHIH-HAI Year 1964 Issue 30 PDF HTML
ON April 16, 1966, the fortnightly Frontline (Qianxian) and the Peking Daily (Beijing Ribao) published some material under the title "A Criticism of Three-Family Village and Evening Talks at Yenshan"
Author: YAO WEN-YUAN Year 1966 Issue 22 PDF HTML
507. Commemorate Lu Hsun and Carry the Revolution Through to the End
Comrades! Red Guard Comrades-in-Arms! Friends!Held during the high tide of the vigorously developing great proletarian cultural revolution and after our great leader Chairman Mao has reviewed for the
Author: Yao Wen-yuan Year 1966 Issue 45 PDF HTML
508. Comments on Tao Chu's Two Books
LIKE a succession of gales, the great proletarian cultural revolution is shaking the whole of China and indeed the whole world.The situation is excellent. After a year of stirring battles, the great
Author: YAO WEN-YUAN Year 1967 Issue 38 PDF HTML
509. The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership In Everything
Our country has 700 million people, and the working class is the leading class. It is essential to bring into full play the leading role of the working class in the great cultural revolution and in
Author: YAO WEN-YUAN Year 1968 Issue 35 PDF HTML
510. The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership in Everything
China, in her great proletarian cultural revolution, is in the midst of a rising upsurge of struggle-criticism-transformation. This is a decisive battle in the struggle to seize all-round victory in
Author: Yao Wen-yuan Year 1968 Issue 41 PDF HTML