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591. China-Cambodia Joint Communique
Following is the full text of the joint communique of the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Cambodia, signed on October 5, 1964, by Liu Shao-chi, Chairman of the People's Republic of China
592. China-Mali Joint Communique
The two sides had a full exchange of views on questions of common interest and reached complete identity of views . . . Both sides reaffirmed their resolute support for the Asian, African and Latin
593. China-Mali Friendship Treaty
Following is a translation of the Treaty of Friendship Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Mali which came into force on April 20, 1965. The treaty was signed in Peking on
Author: LIU SHAO-CHI, MODIBO KEITA Year 1965 Issue 18 PDF HTML
594. Communique on Talks Between Representatives Of China-Japan Memorandum Trade Office And Japan-China Memorandum Trade Office
A COMMUNIQUE on the talks between the representatives of the China-Japan Memorandum Trade Office and the Japan-China Memorandum Trade Office was signed in Peking on April 19.Present at the signing
Author: Liu Hsi-wen, Yoshimi Furui Year 1970 Issue 17 PDF HTML
595. BEIJING REVIEW celebrates 25th anniversary
Exactly a quarter century ago, some 20 young men and women, most of whom had great determination but little experience in publishing, managed to put out New China's first English-language weekly by
Author: Our Staff Writer Liu Youyuan Year 1983 Issue 11 PDF HTML
596. Li's US Visit Improves Bilateral Relations
WITH some effort, but much warmth, the convalescing President Ronald Reagan bid a welcome to President Li Xiannian at a July 23 ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House."On behalf of the people
Author: LIU YOUYUAN Our Special Correspondent Year 1985 Issue 31 PDF HTML
597. China's National Debt
Running a national debt has always been an important means for governments to raise funds and regulate macroeconomic operations. In the early years of the People's Republic, the Chinese government
Author: Liu Zhiqlang, People's Bank of China Year 1988 Issue 33 PDF HTML
598. Decade of Successful Foreign Investment
Based on a host of facts and figures, this article presents, in detail, the achievements made by China since the introduction of foreign capital ten years ago and the positive effect it has exerted
Author: Our Staff Reporter Liu Jianjun Year 1989 Issue 45 PDF HTML
599. China Cleans Up Companies To Stop Official Profiteering
Since China introduced reform and the open policy in 1979, many companies have been set up as the commodity economy has developed rapidly throughout the country. The new businesses have helped
Author: Our Staff Reporter Liu Jianjun Year 1989 Issue 46 PDF HTML
600. Saving Wildlife: A Nation Mobilized
Each April, when high school and primary school students start hanging bird cages on the heavily wooded Fragrant Hills in Beijing's western suburbs, it is a sign that the nation's annual "bird-loving
Author: Our Staff Reporter Liu Jianjun Year 1990 Issue 16 PDF HTML