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71. The Development of Imperialist Contradictions
This is the first instalment of a translation of an article carried in "Hongqi" (No. 5, 1963) entitled "Some Questions on the Development of Imperialist Contradictions at the Present Time." Subheads
Author: FAN CHENG-HSIANG Year 1963 Issue 13 PDF HTML
72. The Development of Imperialist Contradictions
This is the second and concluding instalment of a translation of an article carried in "Hongqi" (No. 5, 1963) entitled "Some Questions on the Development of Imperialist Contradictions at the Present
Author: FAN CHENG-HSIANG Year 1963 Issue 14 PDF HTML
73. Strategy of "Flexible Response" and Its Contradictions
How flexible is Pentagon's strategy of "flexible response"? Can it solve the hydra-headed contradictions which made for the failure of the erstwhile U.S. strategy of "massive retaliation"?SINCE the
Author: HUNG FAN-TI Year 1964 Issue 15 PDF HTML
TO cover up the aggressive nature of Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, TASS on August 30 came up with a sorry alibi. For advertising purposes, it made a long list of Soviet revisionist "aid" to
Author: FAN HSIU-PING Year 1968 Issue 44 PDF HTML
75. Ghost of Confucius' Shop and Actual Class Struggle
CONFUCIUS lived more than 2,000 years ago and represented the reactionary political and cultural ideology of the declining slave-owner class and the feudal landlord class. During the May 4th Movement
Author: Chi Fan-hsiu Year 1969 Issue 50 PDF HTML
76. Soviet Union's Exploitation of East European Countries
VIOLATING the agreement with the East European countries to keep fuel supply prices unchanged for five years, the Soviet Union has of late suddenly raised by more than 100 per cent this year's prices
Author: Fan Hsiu-chu Year 1975 Issue 16 PDF HTML
77. "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty": A Scrap of Paper
THE Geneva conference to review the implementation of the so-called "nuclear non-proliferation treaty" in the past five years ended recently. The Soviet revisionists made a big fanfare at the time of
Author: Fan Hsiu-chu Year 1975 Issue 24 PDF HTML
78. Competition in Space, Hardship on Earth
NOT just confined to the ground, air and sea, the fierce rivalry between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, has extended to space as well. To contend with U.S. imperialism
Author: Fan Hsiu-chu Year 1975 Issue 30 PDF HTML
79. Basic Principles of "Manifesto of The Communist Party" Always Remain Fresh
FEBRUARY this year was the 130th anniversary of the publication of the epoch-making Manifesto of the Communist Party. The history since the publication of the Manifesto, which marked the birth of
Author: Fan Jo-yu Year 1978 Issue 13 PDF HTML
80. Security Reassessment In 21st Century
The anti-terrorist campaign will remain an important factor that influences the world political situation in coming years. However, the September 11 terrorist attacks brought no fundamental changes
Author: YANG FAN & ZHAO BINGHUI Year 2003 Issue 4 PDF HTML