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Your search : [ author:CHOU EN-LAI,SEKOU TOURE] Total 137 Search Results,Processed in 0.088 second(s)
1. Treaty of Friendship Between the People's Republic Of China and the Republic of Guinea
THE Chairman of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Republic of Guinea,Desiring to consolidate and further develop the profound friendship between the People's Republic of China
Author: CHOU EN-LAI,SEKOU TOURE Year 1960 Issue 37 PDF HTML
2. Joint Communique of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Republic of Guinea
AT the invitation of Chairman of the People's Republic of China Liu Shao-chi, President of the Republic of Guinea Sekou Toure, leading a Government Delegation of the Republic of Guinea, paid a
3. The Great Debate on the Literary Front
We present selections from a lengthy and detailed article, on the great debate and the anti-rightist struggle that have been going on in China's literary circles, by Chou Yang, Vice-Director of the
Author: by CHOU YANG Year 1958 Issue 3 PDF HTML
4. The Great Debate on the Literary Front
This is the concluding instalment of selections from a lengthy article on the great debate and the anti-rightist struggle that have been going on in China's literary circles, by Chou Yang,
Author: CHOU YANG Year 1958 Issue 4 PDF HTML
5. Sharing Technical Know - How
A NEW type of fair is now flourishing in Shanghai. Business is brisk and a large number of "transactions" are being made - "transactions without money." Here the traditional form of the "fair" is
Author: CHOU HUA Year 1958 Issue 26 PDF HTML
6. Free Culture from Colonialism
The following is an abridged translation of the speech made at the Asian-African Writers' Conference held in Tashkent from October 7 to 13 by Chou Yang, deputy leader of the Chinese writers'
Author: CHOU YANG Year 1958 Issue 34 PDF HTML
7. 150,000 Vehicles a Year
The No. 1 Motor Works in Changchun, northeast China, will expand its production capacity five times by the end of next year and raise its annual output to 150,000 vehicles. Different types of lorries
Author: CHOU HUA Year 1958 Issue 40 PDF HTML
8. P.L.A. Festival Highlights
In these columns we have already described some of the items in the big People's Liberation Army theatre arts festival which started on June 1 and ended on July 24. During its course thirty-seven
Author: HSIAO CHOU Year 1959 Issue 31 PDF HTML
9. The Path of Socialist Literature And Art in China
Following is the first instalment of a translation of the report delivered by Chou Yang to the Third Congress of Chinese Literary and Art Workers on July 22, 1960. Chou Yang, well-known literary
Author: CHOU YANG Year 1960 Issue 38 PDF HTML
10. The Path of Socialist Literature and Art in China
Following is the concluding instalment of Chou Yang's report at the Third Congress of Chinese Literary and Art Workers. The first instalment of this report appeared in our last issue. - Ed.The
Author: CHOU YANG Year 1960 Issue 39 PDF HTML