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Your search : [ author:ZHONGGUO FUNU BAO (China's Women)] Total 91 Search Results,Processed in 0.092 second(s)
1. Women Talk About Gifts
With the rising living standard and the extension of social contacts among people, sending gifts including money to relatives and friends has become common. And the gifts are becoming more and more
Author: ZHONGGUO FUNU BAO (China's Women) Year 1989 Issue 31 PDF HTML
2. Mao Zedong and His Father
Mao Zedong, late chairman of the Communist Party of China, was born in the village of Shaoshan in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, in 1893 to Mao Shunsheng and Wen Qimei.Mao Shunsheng (1870-1920) was
Author: "ZHONGGUO LAONIAN" (China's Elderly) Year 1988 Issue 23 PDF HTML
3. Open Policy Brings Achievements
Over the past decade, the open policy has brought remarkable returns to China, which are manifested in the following six aspects:First, it has helped to introduce quite a large amount of foreign
Author: ZHONGGUO XINWEN (China News) Year 1991 Issue 52 PDF HTML
4. A Favourable Change in China's Economy
China's economy has taken a turn for the better this year.Agricultural production hit an all-time high. After reaping the summer grain crops and early season rice, autumn grain crops are also
5. China's Cultural Impact on Europe
The Influence of Chinese Philosophy on Europe by Zhu Qianzhi.[注释1] recently published in Chinese by the Fujian People's Publishing House, appears at a time when Chinese and foreign scholars are
Author: Bao Zunxin Year 1986 Issue 35 PDF HTML
6. US-Japan: A New Partnership
On April 15-17 Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa paid a visit to the United States and met with US President Bill Clinton. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and current
Author: Bao Shishao Year 1993 Issue 18 PDF HTML
7. Australian-US Trade War Escalates
Australia's trade relations with the United States have worsened since the two countries became locked in an aviation dispute.The United States on June 3 demanded that Qantas, Australia's largest
Author: Zhou Bao Year 1993 Issue 25 PDF HTML
8. An Important Step Toward Peace
An interim Cambodian national government has been formed as the constitutional assembly endorsed the composition of the government and its administrative program on July 1.Norodom Ranariddh, leader
Author: Zhou Bao Year 1993 Issue 28 PDF HTML
9. Efforts to Boost Mideast Peace Process
Dennis Ross, the US president's special coordinator for Middle East peace talks, conducted shuttle diplomacy in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Israel and Syria from October 18 to 22, in the hope of
Author: Zhou Bao Year 1993 Issue 45 PDF HTML
10. Japan Debates War Resolution
A proposal by the the Socialist Party of Japan (SPJ) that the country should adapt a "no-war" resolution has sparked off a heated dispute in the Diet and political circles as the 50th anniversary of
Author: Ri Bao Year 1995 Issue 17 PDF HTML