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11. Electric Power Shoots Ahead
CHINA'S electric power industry is shooting ahead at lightning speed, stimulated by the need for bridging a gap between supply and demand.Why did a shortage arise? Not because the output of
Author: LIANG KUANG Year 1959 Issue 3 PDF HTML
12. Integrating Education with Productive Labour
THE policy of combining education with productive labour has been in operation for more than a year now in People's China. The results are good. As Ren-min Ribao (People's Daily) pointed out in a
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1959 Issue 21 PDF HTML
13. Studying While Building the "Mountain Canal"
STUDY-WHILE-YOU-WORK is the practice in China today. In factories and on construction sites all over the country you find workers participating in after-work classes to advance their general education
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1959 Issue 27 PDF HTML
14. Agricultural Middle Schools
SINCE the spring of last year there has been a rapid development of agricultural middle schools with their curriculum of part-time study and part-time farming. These schools initiate an entirely new
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1959 Issue 30 PDF HTML
15. China's Foreign Trade: Its Growth and Some Basic Principles
WITH a swiftly developing national economy and a growing economic exchange, China's foreign trade has made big progress over the past ten years.The first big step taken immediately after liberation,
Author: WEN LIANG Year 1959 Issue 38 PDF HTML
16. Schools for New-Type Peasants
A KEY point on the agenda of China today is the technical transformation of agriculture. The goal is to bring about the modernization of agriculture in the next ten years by the introduction of
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1960 Issue 1 PDF HTML
17. Workers' Spare-Time Education Spurts Ahead
With the onset of winter, the drive to wipe out illiteracy is in full swing" among the workers in factories, mines and enterprises all over the country. Elimination of "letter-blindness" is the main
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1960 Issue 3 PDF HTML
18. Spare-Time Colleges for Workers
"Spare-time education leaps into new stage; Many spare-time colleges established To speed training of technicians" "Progress in Liaoning workers' education: 36,000 attend spare-time college courses;
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1960 Issue 21 PDF HTML
19. Peasant Wang Goes to College
We reported more than a year ago how Wang Pao-ching, a peasant, made his mark in scientific research work. The results of his experiments brought a big increase in maize yields in his part of the
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1961 Issue 3 PDF HTML
20. Tsinghua University - Fifty Years Old
TSINGHUA, one of China's leading universities, celebrated its fiftieth anniversary at the end of April this year. It looked lovelier than ever on that occasion in festive garb, its trees and lawns
Author: LIANG NIEN Year 1961 Issue 22 PDF HTML