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Your search : [ author:RENMIN RIBAO (People's Daily)] Total 378 Search Results,Processed in 0.100 second(s)
361. New Year Message
NINETEEN seventy-four, a year of united struggle, has ended and the people of all nationalities in our country are striding into 1975 in high spirits.In the past year, we have successfully carried
Author: 1975 New Year's Day editorial by "Renmin Ribao," "Hongqi" and "Jiefangjun Bao" Year 1975 Issue 1 PDF HTML
The Seventh Russian-European Union Summit was held May 17 in Moscow, during which the two sides exchanged views regarding Russian-European relations, European security and the situation in the Middle
Author: Renmin Year 2001 Issue 23 PDF HTML
363. Hunger Strikers Used as a Tool For Political Blackmail
During the university students' hunger strike, the "Beijing college students' autonomous federation" announced its refusal to keep any contact with the Beijing municipal government. At the same time,
Author: 'Beijing Daily' Reporter Year 1989 Issue 30 PDF HTML
364. Optimizing Resource Allocation, Promoting Economic Growth
Since the 1990s, economic globalization has been accelerating. This massive trend is the result of the development of information technology and is manifested in the globalization of production,
Author: XINHUA DAILY NEWS Year 2000 Issue 29 PDF HTML
365. Smash the U.S. Nuclear War Plot
Following is a translation of the "Renmin Ribao" commentary of February 10, 1963, entitled "Oppose the U.S. Making Use of Japan to Work Out Its Nuclear War Plot." Subheads are ours. - Ed.BY means of
366. Revolutionary Big-Character Posters Are "Magic Mirrors" That Show Up All Monsters
THE great proletarian cultural revolution is now in full spate. We must stand at the forefront of this movement and actively guide it.It is necessary to arouse the masses without reservation and
Author: "Renmin Ribco" editorial Year 1966 Issue 26 PDF HTML
367. China's National Debt
Running a national debt has always been an important means for governments to raise funds and regulate macroeconomic operations. In the early years of the People's Republic, the Chinese government
Author: Liu Zhiqlang, People's Bank of China Year 1988 Issue 33 PDF HTML
368. Turkey Belongs to the Turkish People
THE angry waves of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean are surging. The Turkish people's anti-U.S. struggle has reached a new high. The arrival at a Turkish port of five warships of the U.S. Sixth
369. The People's Democratic Dictatorship Is in Essence The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
The theory of the people's democratic dictatorship, an important component of Mao Zedong Thought, is a creative application and development of the Marxist theory of state by the Chinese Communist
Author: "Guangming Ribao" Special Commentator Year 1981 Issue 19 PDF HTML
370. Great Strategic Measure for Carrying Out People's War
FOLLOWING the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chairman Mao issued the directive Build Stable Base Areas in the Northeast (see Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, Vol. IV) to the armed
Author: a theoretical group of a unit of the People's Liberation Army Year 1975 Issue 6 PDF HTML