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371. Ing Donates to Education
Ing Chang-ki, a native of Cicheng Town, Ningbo City and a noted figure in Taiwan's financial and industrial sectors, invented the Ing SST Law of Wei Qi-a game played with black and white pieces on a
Author: the Press Office of the Ningbo City People's Government Year 1994 Issue 43 PDF HTML
372. Reward Enjoys High Reputation
The Sino-foreign joint venture Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd. (RNWIC) is well-known both at home and abroad for the Wei Qi boards it produces. Wei Qi is a game similar to Japanese Go. The
Author: Information Office of Ningbo City People's Government Year 1994 Issue 43 PDF HTML
373. Speech at the Opening Ceremony of The 22nd Universal Postal Congress
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Today we are gathering here for the grand opening ceremony of the 22nd Universal Postal Congress (UPC) at a time when golden autumn is embracing Beijing,
Author: Jiang Zemin President of the People's Republic of China Year 1999 Issue 37 PDF HTML
374. West Bank and Gaza Strip Under Israeli Occupation
RECENT negotiations between Egypt, Israel, and the United States over Palestinian "self-rule" on the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip under Israeli occupa tion were reported to be
Author: "Guangming Ribao" correspondent Xu Shiquan Year 1979 Issue 30 PDF HTML
375. The Revolutionary Mass Movement Is the Locomotive for the Advance of History
Revolutions are the locomotives of history, said Marx. Revolutions are festivals of the oppressed and the exploited. At no other time are the mass of the people in a position to come forward so
Author: Proletarian Revolutionaries of the Higher Military Academy of The Chinese People's Liberation Army Year 1968 Issue 42 PDF HTML
376. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat Is Dictatorship by the Masses
OUR great leader Chairman Mao teaches us: "Without broad democracy for the people, it is impossible for the dictatorship of the proletariat to be consolidated or for political power to be stable.
Author: Proletarian Revolutionaries of the Political Academy of The Chinese People's Liberation Army Year 1968 Issue 44 PDF HTML
377. Gansu: A remote landlocked province
To many foreign readers, Gansu, with its capital Lan-zhou, is probably a strange name. Yet it is intimately familiar to historians because one-fifth of the celebrated Silk Road crosses the province
Author: "Gansu Ribao" Correspondent Cheng Jie and Our Correspondent Zhou Yi Year 1983 Issue 25 PDF HTML
378. How I Take the Tests in the Revolutionary Mass Movement
A Movement Led Personally by Chairman MaoAT the start of the great proletarian cultural revolution, I had a very poor understanding of this surging revolutionary mass movement. But in the firm
Author: Wang Chin-chung of the Yuzishan Production Brigade of the Shandongzhuang People's Commune in Pingku County, Peking Year 1968 Issue 29 PDF HTML