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31. Stop the Bloodless Murder by U.S. Imperialism
THE Liaison Mission of the Viet Nam People's Army High Command has denounced strongly the setting up of a U.S. research institute for bacteriological and chemical warfare in south Viet Nam. In its
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1965 Issue 35 PDF HTML
THE Soviet Government suddenly notified the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, on October 7, of its unilateral decision to suspend the studies of all Chinese students in the Soviet Union, and
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1966 Issue 44 PDF HTML
33. Despicable Anti-China Rumours
THE Soviet revisionist leaders, a handful of renegades, have made up countless rumours on the question of so-called "aid supplies in transit for Vietnam" in order to vilify China. One after another,
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1967 Issue 5 PDF HTML
34. U Thant's "New Proposals" Are A Big Fraud
ON March 28, one week after U.S. imperialism's sinister Guam conference where it masterminded moves for expanding the war of aggression against Vietnam, U.N. Secretary-General U Thant made public the
Author: COMMENTATOR Year 1967 Issue 15 PDF HTML
35. Oppose the U.S. Move to Turn Japan Into a Source of War
Following is the full text of an article published in "Hongqi," No. 4, 1960. - Ed.IN the West and in the East, U.S. imperialism - the most vicious enemy of world peace - is accelerating the build up
Author: "HONGQI" COMMENTATOR Year 1960 Issue 8 PDF HTML
36. The People's Commune Advances Women's Complete Emancipation
The following is the full text of an article published in "Hongqi," No. 5, 1960, under the title "The People's Commune Is an Excellent Form of Organization for the Complete Emancipation of Women." -
Author: "HONGQI" COMMENTATOR Year 1960 Issue 10 PDF HTML
37. Form a Broad United Front to Defeat Imperialism!
Following is a translation of a commentary published in "Hongqi" (Red Flag), No. 10, May 16, 1960. - Ed.IMPERIALISM, headed by the United States, is everywhere stirring up an angry wave of
Author: "HONGQI" COMMENTATOR Year 1960 Issue 21 PDF HTML
38. Ideological Work: Its Decisive Role
Following is an abridged translation of a "Hongqi" (No. 5, 1964) article originally entitled "Giving First Place to Ideological Work." Subheads are ours. - Ed.MARXIST-LENINISTS always maintain that
Author: "HONGQI" COMMENTATOR Year 1964 Issue 17 PDF HTML
39. "Indictment" Against Arrested Chinese In Brazil Denounced
The nine Chinese illegally detained in Brazil for more than five months were committed to trial by the Second Military Tribunal of Brazil's First Military District on September 4, despite strong
40. Confessions Concerning the Line of Soviet-U.S. Collaboration Pursued by The New Leaders of the C.P.S.U.
SOVIET-U.S. collaboration for the domination of the world is the soul of the Khrushchov revisionist line. Since coming to power, the new leaders of the C.P.S.U. have tried hard to appear different
Author: "HONGQI" COMMENTATOR Year 1966 Issue 8 PDF HTML