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31. The Epic of Water Conservancy
THE building of water conservancy works by the Chinese peasants this year is a true epic unparalleled in history. According to a communique issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on October 13, a
Author: YANG MIN Year 1958 Issue 34 PDF HTML
32. Revolution in Farming Methods
CHINA'S peasants are revolutionizing the country's system of farming. Having doubled crop yields this year, members of the newly founded people's communes are not resting on their laurels. They are
Author: YANG MIN Year 1958 Issue 35 PDF HTML
33. How Shouchang County Increased Its Yields
IF you follow the Yellow River as it courses through Shantung Province, on the last lap of its journey to the Yellow Sea, you will encounter Shouchang County. Just one of China's more than two
Author: YANG MIN Year 1959 Issue 3 PDF HTML
THE situation in Laos is taking a dangerous turn. The Sananikone government, having unilaterally repudiated the Geneva agreements in February, is now starting a civil war. Arrests, repression and
Author: SU MIN Year 1959 Issue 22 PDF HTML
35. New Neolithic Site
One of the most important archaeological finds since liberation has been the discovery of a neolithic village at Panpo on the eastern outskirts of Sian in Shensi Province. After four years of careful
Author: AN CHIH-MIN Year 1959 Issue 24 PDF HTML
36. Latin America Against Yankee Domination
THE tide of opposition to the military dictatorships south of the Rio Grande backed by the United States and to U.S. domination in Latin America continues to mount. In recent weeks the news from
Author: SU MIN Year 1959 Issue 27 PDF HTML
37. The Geneva Agreements Must Be Upheld
FIVE years have passed since the| signing on July 20, 1954, of the Geneva agreements which quenched the flames of war in Indo-China. But peace in the peninsula has not been consolidated. On the
Author: SU MIN Year 1959 Issue 30 PDF HTML
38. Winged Horse in People's Korea
"LIKE a winged horse in flight! Build socialism within four to five years!" This is the slogan one hears among the masses of the Korean Democratic People's Republic today. The number of
Author: SU MIN Year 1959 Issue 33 PDF HTML
39. Mechanized Farming Moves Forward
HEILUNGKIANG, the northernmost province of China, leads the whole country in the development of mechanized farming.This year, 20 million mu - one-fifth of all cultivated land in that province - are
Author: YANG MIN Year 1959 Issue 33 PDF HTML
40. The Fight Against Drought
SINCE late June, large areas under crops in Honan, Shantung, Anhwei, Hupeh, Hunan, Kiangsu and Kiangsi and even some counties in Szechuan, usually so well-favoured by the weather, have been
Author: YANG MIN Year 1959 Issue 34 PDF HTML