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61. First Round in the Battle for Coal
THREE months ago, we reported the big radio broadcast mass rally of coal miners in Peking (Peking Review, No. 10, March 10, 1959, p. 4) which initiated the nationwide "Red Banner" emulation drive to
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 23 PDF HTML
62. Progress in China's Light Industry
DURING the First Five-Year Plan (1953-1957), total output value in China's light industry (excluding textiles) doubled. It increased at an average annual rate of about 17 per cent. It was on this
Author: LI CHU-CHEN Year 1959 Issue 24 PDF HTML
63. China's Champion Blast Furnace
ANSHAN Iron and Steel Works' No. 9 blast furnace has been much in the news lately for an outstanding performance. Its workers boosted the average coefficient of utilization to a high of 2.187 tons in
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 24 PDF HTML
64. New Coal Mines in China
CAPITAL construction in the coal industry is going ahead this year on a very large scale. Total investments and "the number and capacity of new mines and coal-washing plants that will go into
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 26 PDF HTML
65. How Scientists Help a Commune
THIS is a story of science at the grass-roots level indicative of the new ways of work of China's scientific institutions. It involves a field team sent out by the Institute of Entomology of the
Author: CHU YI-FAN Year 1959 Issue 28 PDF HTML
66. Iron Flows at the Yangtse Steel Base
AT 15:53 hours on July 14 the first heat of molten iron flowed from the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company's second blast furnace. Construction time was only 140 days. It is a modern giant even bigger than
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 29 PDF HTML
67. Machine Building in China
"Peking Review" has prepared a series of special articles surveying the developments in various fields during the past decade on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the birth of the People's
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 37 PDF HTML
68. Small Blast Furnaces-Big Results
A YEAR ago, we published an article entitled "Industrialization - the Mass Way" (Peking Review, Vol. I, No. 40, December 2. 1958). We then discussed the question of "popularization" and "elevation"
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1959 Issue 49 PDF HTML
69. Banking in New China
DURING the past ten years, financial work and banking in China have played an active part and scored great achievements in the socialist revolution and construction in line with the central tasks of
Author: TSAO CHU-JU Year 1960 Issue 2 PDF HTML
70. China's Big Leap in Steel Continues
CHINA'S steel production is making headlines once more. By producing 13.35 million tons of steel (not including steel made by indigenous methods) in 1959, China topped its target of 10.5-12 million
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1960 Issue 5 PDF HTML