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71. The Technical Revolution Rolls On
THE mass movement centring on technical innovations and the technical revolution is propelling China's economy forward at a big leap pace. It is a movement involving millions of workers and staff
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1960 Issue 6 PDF HTML
72. Technical Revolution Sweeps the Nation
A COLOSSAL mass movement for technical innovations and technical revolution is sweeping China with hurricane force. Beginning in industry and transport, it spread rapidly to agriculture (mainly by
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1960 Issue 13 PDF HTML
73. Small and Medium Enterprises Play Big Role
The myriads of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises that mushroomed over the past two years and more have contributed significantly to China's economic development by accelerating the
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1960 Issue 28 PDF HTML
74. Industrial Aid to the Rural Communes: A New Way
WITH industry in the lead, all the other branches of city activity are going into action to help China's rural communes. They are giving increasingly substantial help to the people's communes in
Author: HUA CHU-CHING Year 1960 Issue 29 PDF HTML
THE "dragon chain" system of transport came into being as a result of the big leap forward in China's socialist construction. During the past year and more, it has demonstrated its great advantages
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1960 Issue 36 PDF HTML
76. Transport Aids the Farm Front
TRANSPORT is well to the fore in the current nationwide campaign to aid agriculture. Transport personnel did fine work this year moving supplies needed by agriculture in good order and on time. They
Author: YANG CHU-CHUN Year 1960 Issue 46 PDF HTML
77. Emulation in Shanghai Steel Plants
THE combining of keen emulation with sincere cooperation has become an important feature of socialist production emulation in China's big leap. That is why, whether it's between factories, workshops,
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1961 Issue 4 PDF HTML
78. We Have Friends All Over the World
ITHE first year of the 60s has passed. During that year the people of our country, under the correct guidance of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Mao Tse-tung and holding high the three red
Author: CHU TU-NAN Year 1961 Issue 6 PDF HTML
79. The Great Victory in Steel
BY turning out 18.45 million tons of steel in 1960, China outstripped France[注释1] and assumed sixth place in world steel production. Only three years ago in 1957, the year prior to the big leap
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1961 Issue 12 PDF HTML
80. Better Goods, Bigger Choice
AN important task of China's industry today is to strive for better quality and a wider range of products. The record of Shanghai's light industry sheds light on how this task is being
Author: CHU CHI-LIN Year 1961 Issue 20 PDF HTML